[Chapter 12]

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Instead of staying with the team, you drove home with your mom and dad. You smiled, remembering how you were able to stay strong and not sulk or hide.

"You did great today (Y/N) dear." Your mother said.

"You achieved the first step of overpowering." Your dad then said. You smiled.

"It was because of you guys and the team helping me. Thank you." You thanked them. Suddenly, your phone rang. You looked down and saw the contact's name was Haruna. You answered.


"(Y/N)! Get to school, right now!"

"Why? Why do you sound so distressed?"

"Aliens are attacking our school!"

"Aliens?!" You shouted, causing your parents to look at you strangely. You looked at your driver.

"To Raimon, please!" You told him. "Don't worry, I'm on my way right now!" You said and hung up.

"Aliens?" Your mother questioned you.

"What is Haruna talking about?" Your dad asked.

"Raimon is being attacked and my team needs my help..."

. . .

The sight was worse than the final match with Zeus. Everyone was hurt and unconscious on the floor. A team of aliens stood in front of you. The guy, who you assumed was the captain, looked at you and glared angrily. He turned around and kicked a soccer ball at the school, tearing it down to the ground. Soon after, he and the team left.

You were devastated. Your school is gone. You searched for Haruna, Aki, and Natsumi and found them tending after the team. You ran over, asking your mother to call the ambulance. You ran over to Kidou, holding him carefully. He and the whole team were covered in bruises.

"They tried..." You turned around and looked up at Aki. "They tried so hard to beat them, but the aliens... They were too powerful..." You looked down at Kidou.

"I don't think they would've been able to anyways..." You whispered. Aki was shocked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they did just win the finals. They're sore, especially when Zeus' power was over the top. But this is true strength..." You said as you heard the sirens coming closer.

"We're in big trouble..." You said.

. . .

Slowly waking up, Kidou recalled what had happened. He shot up, sitting up straight, and looked around. He was in his room.

"How are you feeling?" He turned his head and looked at you. He sighed.

"I'm better..." You nodded your head.

"Haruna is downstairs making you breakfast." You said and sat next to Kidou.

"How long was I asleep?"

"A day... I wish I was able to help you guys." You whispered.

"There was nothing you could really do. Those aliens are incredibly powerful." Kidou reassured you. You nodded.

"Kidou! (Y/N)!" Haruna yelled. She ran into the room and ran up to you two, sitting between you two.

"What are you guys talking about? Your feelings for each other?"


"Never mind that! Coach Hibiki needs us at the Lightning train center!"

"Right now?" You asked her. She nodded.

"Come on! Let's go! He said it's urgent!"

"Are we gonna ignore what Haruna said before she told us this?" Kidou asked. You and Haruna were out the door, waiting for Kidou.

"I'll take that as a yes..."

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now