[Chapter 48]

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The team was training hard. After the loss to Argentina, everyone was hard at work to make sure that they won every game. And even after the game with America, Endou was making sure to get to the final round and win for Ichinose. The next match was with Orpheus.

You and the girls made sure to give the team tons of motivation. However, you still felt gloomy and scared.

Kageyama was the coach of Orpheus and to just stand by him scared you of whatever he would plan. You don't like thinking too much about Kageyama, but it couldn't be helped.

The team was on break now and Kidou walked up to you. He saw how distracted you were and went to try and cheer you up. He went behind you and hugged you.

"Boo!" He said, it scared you a bit but you laughed as he hugged you tight. The team watched the cuteness of the two of you and laughed.

"Don't scare her too bad Kidou," Fudou said, mockingly. The rest of the team laughed. You stuck your tongue out at him and turned to face Kidou. You smiled and kissed his cheek, making him blush.

"What are you thinking about?" Kidou asked.

"I'm thinking about our future date." You lied. Kidou laughed.

"Be patient. I'm trying to think of something we can do together." He told you. You laughed and hugged him.

"I have an idea, you guys." Haruna butted into your conversation.

"No," Kidou said, which made Haruna whine.


"I said no." Kidou interrupted her. You giggled as you listened to the two bicker. Haruna pouted soon after and left to be with the other girls. Kidou sighed and you just laughed.

"There's an amusement park we can go to." You suggested.

"Yeah, we can go there." Kidou agreed.

. . .

You and Kidou didn't have a lot of time, but you both went on plenty of rides. You were so happy. Kidou could see that and smiled because of your joy. Once you left and made it back, you spent your time in your room and Kidou went with you. He hugged you, holding your hand and fidgeting with your fingers.

"You're gonna get in trouble, you know that?" You informed him. Kidou hummed.

"Yeah, I know." You smiled and giggled. It was silent between you two for a good while until Kidou spoke up.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"It's nothing important." You told him.

"Is it about Kageyama?" He asked you. You hesitantly nodded.

"I figured it was," He said. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah." You said and sat up, preparing yourself. Kidou sat up too, putting his back against the wall and listening.

"You've made it so far. From being with Kageyama to being free from his curse of binding. You've detailed yourself from him and showed him that you don't need him." You stated. "As for me, I haven't done anything to show my strength to him. To show I don't need him. Fudou may have said that I am stronger without him, but..." You hesitate with your words.

"I just-"

"Don't feel like you've actually proven yourself to him?" Kidou said, completing your sentence. You nodded.

"How in this case would you like to prove it to him?" He asked you. You shrugged.

"Maybe through the sport he taught me. I've grown and learned new and better things about this sport and I feel like showing him that would prove it all." You said.

"Then do that, show him your skills and what you've learned," Kidou said. "You'll only be living in his shadow if you can show him who you are. He's still after you for that program that he injected Demonio with." Kidou explained. You nodded.

"One day I will, I know I can." You said confidently. Kidou smiled.

"And I'll be by your side to help you." Kidou then turned your face to kiss him. Slowly, you both leaned in, until someone barged in.

"(Y/N)! Have seen my-'' Aki stopped mid-sentence and you and Kidou quickly pulled away in embarrassment. She read the room and it was awkward. "S...Sorry guys I... I didn't mean to ruin anything!" She then quickly ran out. You and Kidou were embarrassed.

"I'm just gonna... go back to my room..." Kidou stuttered. You nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." You said and he nodded, but he quickly kissed your cheek and ran out. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now