[Chapter 35]

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"Just ask her already, Yuuto!" Haruna shouted, making you and the team look at the two siblings. Kidou quickly covered her mouth and pulled her away so no one could hear them.

"You really need to be quiet," Kidou whispered to her angrily.

"But can you blame me? You are crushing on her so hard and you aren't even doing anything about it!" Haruna said loudly. Haruna had caught Kidou staring at you again, but that wasn't the only reason. You were talking to Fudou and his face changed. From looking at you lovingly to jealous as Fudou came up to you and started teasing you. Haruna saw his jealous face and freaked out.

"If you don't ask her out soon, Fudou will most likely take her away from you~" Haruna sang and walked away, leaving Kidou to think. Would Fudou really ask you out? I mean it was a possibility since you two hung out and talked a lot. Kidou thought for a bit then decided to ask you.

. . .

"Go where?" You asked him.

"To a plushie store!" Kidou said, excitedly. "Why not? We haven't really hung out without being interrupted." You laughed.

"Yeah, you're right. Well let me find my wallet first-" Kidou grabbed your hand.

"Don't worry, I'll pay. Now come on." He then pulled you out of your room. It was out of character for him to do, but he was really excited to hang out with you again.

Once you both made it to the store, you both began to look around. So many cute plushies. Some animals, some anime characters, and some inanimate objects with faces. You fangirled over a lot of them since they were all so cute. Kidou watched your face light up in excitement and smiled, laughing at your cute self. Once you find the plushies you really wanted, Kidou paid for them and you both left. You hugged one of the plushies you pulled out of the bag.

"Thank you Kidou, it's really nice of you." You thanked him.

"Yeah, of course, it's the least I can do for you." He said. You began to name all your plushies.

"And his name will be Frank. He looks like his name would be Frank." You rambled on about names.

"Hey (Y/N)?" You looked over at Kidou.


"Do you like Fudou?" Kidou asked. You started laughing, which concerned Kidou why you were laughing.

"Oh my God, you think I like Fudou? Haha!" You laughed more. "Kidou, Fudou is like a really annoying brother. And besides, if he did, I don't think he'd treat me the way he treats me now."

"You mean by teasing you and calling you names?" You nodded.

"Yeah, but why do you ask?" You asked him and he blushed.

"Well, you two are friends and... I mean you two hang out a lot and I just thought..." Kidou panicked. You laughed.

"I don't like him, I just like hanging out with him as a friend and besides I tease and insult him too." You told him and you both made it back to the training camp.

"Thank you for coming with me," Kidou said as he smiled. You smiled back and handed him a plushie. It was a penguin.

"Here! I picked it out because it reminded me of you." You said and blushed. Kidou took the plushie and walked you to your room. Once you were in your room, you sighed happily.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now