[Chapter 36]

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From strange training to a match with Neo Inazuma Japan, the last few days were wild! Finally, it happened, and the final match was decided. Inazuma Japan vs. Korea. Knowing that this team was a national favorite – and so far the strongest team in the competition, crushing all their opponents with ease – it was going to be difficult.

You sat in your room, sitting in bed and listening to music. Suddenly, you heard a knock at your door. You opened the door and it was Gouenji, who looked very upset.

"Hey Gouenji, what's wrong?" You asked him. He walked into your room.

"My dad wants me to be a doctor and study in Germany..." He whispered as he sat on your bed. Gouenji told you about his family, specifically his father. All he wanted to do was talk about his problems and have someone understand him.

"Okay, and you don't want to be a doctor?" you asked him and he nodded.

"But that's not it," He added. "He wants me to leave the team, like right now."

"What?!" You shouted. "I can't believe this! You're literally in the middle of a competition!" You said angrily.

"Don't tell me you're actually going to Germany to study are you?" You asked him, hoping he wouldn't. He unfortunately nodded. You sighed. "Don't you want to stay?"

"I do, but this is my father. I have no choice but to listen to him." Gouenji said.

Practice started and the team basically ran around in the mud. You watched Gouenji sadly. You didn't want him to leave the team, he was like an older brother to you. He told you not to tell anyone and that's what you'll do.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Haruna asked. You shook your head.

"Nothing..." You said with a sad smile.

"Are you sure?" Furuya asked, including herself in the conversation. Aki joined in too.

"Yeah, honestly I'm fine." You reassured them. They weren't convinced.

"If you're sad, maybe we can do something to cheer you up!" Haruna suggested. You raised your brow.

"Like what?" Aki asked. Haruna smirked.

The four of you girls were in Haruna's room in your pajamas eating junk food and doing each other's hair. Like a sleepover, which is what it was.

"See? Isn't this fun?" Haruna asked excitedly as you did her hair.

"Yeah, I guess it is." You said. Haruna giggled.

"Hey let's play truth or dare!" Aki suggested. Haruna gasped.

"Yes! That'll be so fun!" She jumped out of your lap and sat down, pointing to Furuya.
"You'll go first! Truth or dare?" Haruna asked. Furuya blushed and thought.

"Truth!" She said quietly. This game continued for a while with you choosing only dare, Aki mixing it up every so often, Haruna and Furuya only choosing truth, picking dare rarely. As the game progressed, the boys eavesdropped on the game.

"Alright (Y/N), truth or dare?" Aki asked.

"I'll choose truth." You said. Haruna got excited and from behind the door, her brother knew what she would ask. Haruna crawled to Aki and whispered something in her ear. You looked at her confused. Aki smiled and nodded.

"Alright, do you like Kidou?" Aki asked

"Well, yeah he's a great friend. He's kind-"

"No!" Haruna interrupted your answer. "She means like like. Or in other words, love!" Haruna sang the word love. You blushed and looked away.

"Well... well um..." You stuttered. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught the team at the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked them, staring at them. The girls looked over at the door.

"Hey!" Aki and Haruna shouted. The team panicked and ran back to their rooms. Haruna ran after them, shouting at them. You, Aki, and Furuya laughed at her.

The game was concluded and you all went to bed. 

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