[Chapter 27]

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"Hey (Y/N)! How's your ankle?"


"Hey Kidou! It's healing! Doing better every day!"

Kidou smiled at his phone as he texted you, giving you status updates and just catching up with you. It's been a few weeks of you and Kidou texting each other back and forth. After you left he had been texting you nonstop, but you liked it, and Kidou liked it too.

He was watching as you were typing, but he didn't notice Haruna standing behind him, watching him text you. You were currently typing to him and her eyes trailed up to see the messages, then she saw it. Your name in his phone.


"I knew it!!" She shouted. Kidou jumped, almost dropping his phone. He looked behind him and then realized.

"Shit..." He cursed himself as he watched Haruna celebrate.

"I knew it, you like (Y/N)!" Haruna said happily.

"Shut up! I don't need the whole team knowing!" He shushed her.

"Oh? Kidou likes (Y/N)?" Rika asked from behind Kidou.

"I'm being jumped..." Kidou whispered.

"I've been saying it forever! I knew you liked her!"

"Okay yes I do, now leave me alone!" Kidou shouted. He was embarrassed.

"Why not tell her? She seems pretty into you too." Rika said.

"No, she sees me as a friend and friends is all we'll be!" Kidou said and walked away from the two girls, heading to practice. They laughed. Kidou then felt his phone vibrate. He looked down at it and saw you texted.


"How's the team? Where are we at on Aliea Academy?"

Kidou replied back with the status. You thanked him and encouraged him, saying he can do it. He smiled and blushed.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now