[Chapter 30]

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After defeating Prominence and Diamond Dust, everything got weird. Everyone found out that coach Hitomiko was with Aliea Academy and now everyone is turning against her. It was nighttime and you and Kidou were walking around. He was expressing his opinion about whether he should go with Hitomiko to Fuji Mountain or not.

"Endou really trusts her and I want to say the same thing, but I just don't know if I should trust her." He said. "But I want to know more about how she's connected to Aliea Academy."

"Then you should go with her." You said. "If learning about her intentions with Raimon and knowing those connections to Aliea Academy will help you trust her, then you should go." You told him. It was quiet between you two for a bit and then Kidou asked.

"Do you trust coach Hitomiko?" You thought for a bit.

"I guess I do because she understands how I feel and what I go through. And I know she understands what you guys are going through. She's empathetic, even if she doesn't show it." Kidou nodded his head.

"Will you come with me and the team, please?" He asked.

"What? Seriously?" You asked and he nodded his head.

"I don't know..."

"You don't have to, but it'll be nice to have you on the sidelines and, you know, cheer us on." You began to think and smiled.

"If it'll make you feel better, then yes. I'll let my mom and dad know." You said, which made Kidou smile.

"Thank you (Y/N)." Kidou thanked. You smiled and stood up.

"Come on, let's go to the park!"

"The park?" Kidou questioned. "But it's dark out."

"That makes it even better!" You said and held out your hand. He looked at your hand and then looked up at your eyes. He laughed, think you were strange, and accepted your hand, holding it the whole walk to the park.

Once you both made it to the park, you ran to the swings, leaving Kidou behind. Kidou followed you. You were already swinging, and he had just sat down on the swing. After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up.

"When I was still living in Greece, I would always come to the park whenever I could. Whether it be day or night. The park was always my safe place from bullies." You explained. Kidou listened as he looked at you. "My favorite was always the swings 'cause I could feel the wind blowing." Kudou smiled as you talked about the park. You continued talking while Kidou just listened and stared at you with admiration.

Yeah, he was in love with you...

From afar, Rika, Haruna, and Ichinose – who was dragged in by Rika – watched as you and Kidou had what the girls called a "date."

"I think we should leave guys, you know, give them privacy." Ichinose suggests.

"This is a romantic moment Ichinose! We have to make sure Kidou confesses to (Y/N)!" Haruna explained and Rika agreed. Ichinose just sat there nervously laughing as he hoped he and the girls didn't get caught. And unfortunately for the girls, Kidou didn't confess to you.

. . .

The next morning, Endou and Hitomiko waited for the team. Everyone showed up thankfully, curious about their coach's secrets with Aliea Academy.

The atmosphere on the bus was tense and anxious. Everyone was so nervous. But being able to go to the aliens' base was thrilling. Everyone was nervous. You sat with Kidou. He held your hand anxiously, staring out the window. You looked out the window with him.

Finally, you arrived.

You made it to a UFO-looking building. Entering the building, you and the team came face to face with the mastermind behind Aliea Academy's schemes. Hitomiko's father. He explained his plan to the team and then challenged Raimon against the final team of Aliea Academy, Genesis. And so the final battle began.

It was a long battle, but the team did it. They won. Aliea Academy was done for and Kira was arrested. You and the team celebrated your victory. You hugged Kidou.

"Good job Kidou!" You congratulated him. He smiled and blushed.

"Aww~" Rika and Haruna awed as they watched you two hug. You blushed and pulled away from him. Kidou blushed more.

"Thank you (Y/N)." He said quietly and walked to the rest of the team.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now