[Chapter 23]

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You walked back to the team. Everyone was talking to one another. You walked to the team, standing next to Kidou. He noticed you quickly.

"What did I miss?" You asked him.

"Well, the coach is taking Someoka off the team for his injury," Kidou said. "But, Scotty has a new move he's calling whirlwind force. It can really help the team a lot."

"That's both good news and bad news. I'm happy..." You said.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"Just went to visit someone." You answered.

"Hi (Y/N)! Hi Yuuto!" Haruna cheered from behind you guys. She hugged you both.

"Hi, Haruna!" You said calmly.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked.

"I was asking him what I missed when I left." You told her honestly.

"Nothing else?" Kidou blushed and hid his face in his hand. You blushed as well.

"Why are you like this Haruna?"

"Attention everyone!" The coach called for everyone's attention, saving you and Kidou from embarrassment. "We've figured out where Epsilon's base may be. It's in Osaka."

"This is great! Now we can bring the fight to them!" Endou cheered. You smiled.

. . .

You arrived in Osaka and followed the coach as she read the direction of where the base might be. However, it was... odd...

"Are you sure it's here coach?" Endou asked. Everyone else was pretty confused too as they stood in an amusement park.

"This is where the chairman said it was. I want everyone to start looking around, and find clues about this alien base." The coach said.

"Okay let's split into groups and branch out as much as we can to find the alien base," Aki suggests. Everyone agreed. You looked at Kidou.

"I'll go with you if that's alright." You offered.

"That's fine with me!" He says and you two and the team broke off from one another.

. . .

After a while of walking, you began to get irritated about this base. You and Kidou had been looking for a long time and still nothing.

"This is so stupid! I might as well start playing games and riding on rides like Scotty is!" You said, irritated.

"What should we even be looking for? Everything looks pretty normal." You asked, turning to Kidou.

"Maybe that's what the aliens are trying to do," Kidou says. "They could be trying to blend in with the crowd."

"Like camouflage?" You asked. He nodded his head.

"Well let's keep searching," Kidou said and continued walking around.

Hours later and no one could find anything on the aliens. You and Kidou met back with the group.

"Anything?" You asked everyone. They shook their heads.

"Same goes for us too," Kidou said. Your face showed obvious frustration.

"Does anyone know where Inchinose went?" Bobby asked, noticing he was still gone. Everyone shrugged.

"Maybe we should go find him," Aki said.

"These ladies know where he went!" Fubuki said as two girls stood close to him. "They said he went into a restaurant with some girl."

"Oh boy..." You uttered under your breath.

You followed the Fubuki to the place the two girls were talking about. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now