[Chapter 15]

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The next morning you were on your way to Hokkaido. Everyone was sitting and watching the winter wonderland outside, anxious to meet the new striker on the team. You, however, were shivering in the cold. Kidou noticed you visibly shaking, violently.

"Are you okay?" He asked you.

"N-Not really... I'm n-not good with the c-cold." You stuttered. You were hugging yourself tightly, rubbing your hands up and down your arms, and looking out the window to distract yourself from the cold. Kidou began to think. The only blanket they really had out was with Kabeyama. Kidou looked around and looked at his cape. He thought for a bit and finally decided on draping his cape around you. You looked at him as he wrapped the cape around you, a pink blush on your cheeks.

"There! That should keep you at least a little warm." He said and looked at you. He had his arm around you as you both stared at each other. A light blush on his cheeks began noticeable.

"Thanks..." You whispered. Kidou and you soon looked away from each other embarrassed. Kidou had removed his arm from your shoulder.

Haruna saw everything and smirked.

"He likes her..." She said quietly. "First move made..."

The bus suddenly stops. When Hitomiko asks the bus driver, he points. A boy was standing out in the cold with a soccer ball. Thankfully Endou helped the boy by letting him drive with the team and warm up.

"So what were you doing out on the snow?" Tori asked.

"I was just training." He answers.

"In the snow?! Y-You're crazy!" You told him. The boy looked at you and laughed.

"You can't stand the cold?" He asked you and you agreed. The boy laughed. He seemed so nice and very interesting as a person.

Suddenly, the bus hit a hole in the road, shaking the bus. As the bus driver tried to drive, the bus wouldn't move.

"We're stuck!" He shouted. Everyone grew worried and the bus began rocking, shaking everyone in their seats. Kidou looked out the window to inspect. There was a bear attacking the bus. Kidou fell back into you.

"A bear?! Are you kidding me?!" You yelled, almost falling out of your seat. Thankfully, Kidou caught you before you fell and hurt yourself. The bear rocked the bus back and forth, making everyone inside panic. The bus stopped moving, and the bear disappeared. Confused, everyone looked around outside. You looked around in the bus, looking for the boy. Nowhere.

"You should be good to drive now!" You spoke too soon. There he was at the door of the bus, holding his soccer ball. The bus driver drove the bus and the boy was right.

"Alright, everyone buckle up!" He announced and began to drive.

You grew exhausted and soon fell asleep in Kidou's arms, keeping you as warm as possible.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now