[Chapter 26]

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The next morning, Epsilon showed up and the match was now starting. Rika joined the team, but she was on the bench. You were going in as a forward and Fubuki was placed as a defender.

"You can do it darling!" Rika cheered for Ichinose. He smiled awkwardly.

The whistle blew and the match started. Epsilon pushed through the team rapidly, knocking everyone who was in their way out. When one of the members went to take a shot, however, Endou was still about to block them. The team's spirit was high and everyone was confident in the game.

The first half ended and Endou was giving his usual speech as Hitomiko was discussing strategies. Kidou came in with his opinions on the match.

"I think it's best if we change Fubuki's position to offense," Kidou explained.

"His position on the field will not change," Hitomiko stated.

"But if we don't score enough points, we can't win."

"And if we don't defend, we'll lose points," Hitomiko stated. "Just follow through with the plan, I'll give you the call when Fubuki will be switching to offense." Kidou listened. He walked away, grabbing water. You approached him.

"Everything okay?" You asked him. Kidou looked at you and smiled.

"Everything's okay. All we need to do right now is listen to the coach." He stated. You nodded, blankly. Soon, you were all back on the field.

The second half started and Fubuki was out of control more than ever. It was like he was a completely different person. First, he's on defense then offense. Nevertheless, everyone was doing great.

Thought it went downhill after that.

You had the ball and was ready to pass it to Ichinose, but Fubuki ran into you, taking the ball. He stepped on your ankle and you screeched in pain.

Fubuki used Eternal Blizzard, unable to make it in, once again.

"(Y/N)!" Kidou yelled for you and ran to you. Everyone ran to see if you were okay.

"(Y/N), What happened?" Kidou asked, pulling you towards him. You moaned in pain.

"It hurts..." You said. Kidou pulled your sock down and looked at your ankle.

A giant purple bruise formed. Everyone gasped.

"It's my fault..." Fubuki said quietly. "I ran into her, and I stepped on her ankle. I'm sorry (Y/N)..."

"I-It's okay Fubuki." Kidou picked you up, wrapping your arm around his shoulder and his other hand going to your waist. You tried to stand on your leg but immediately whined in pain.

"I don't think she can walk..." Kidou said.

"Substitution!" Hitomiko shouted. "(Y/N) for Rika." Kidou walked you to the bench and Rika walked beside you, helping you onto the bench. Kidou and Rika set you down and Kidou sat next to you.

"Don't worry bestie! I'll score for you! I'll use Butterfly Trace with my darling!" She squealed, holding Ichinose. You laughed. Kidou looked at you sadly and stood up.

"Kick their asses for me Kidou." You said to him, smiling. However, you winced in pain as Haruna tended your ankle. Kidou's face changed to a worried face, but you waved him off.

"I'll be fine, don't worry!" You smiled through the pain. Kidou nodded and went onto the field with Rika and the others following. While they played, Haruna and Aki tended your ankle as you watched the game.

. . .

Epsilon pulled out of the match, disappearing and ending the game in a tie. Everyone went back to the bench.

"How's (Y/N)'s leg?" Kidou asked.

"It's pretty bad. She'll need to go to the hospital." Aki said.

"Sorry (Y/N), but I'm removing you from the team. You need to heal up!" Hitomiko said and you nodded.

"Alright coach."

"I've already contacted your parents, they'll be arriving soon."

'Thank you." You said and she walked away.

"Aww, my poor bestie!" Rika whined and hugged you.

"Don't worry, I'll be back and stronger than ever!" You promised them.

Soon, your parents showed up. You were walking with crutches as Kidou held your travel bag.

"(Y/N)! Oh my God, are you okay?!" Your mother asked, panicked.

"I'm okay mom, don't worry." You told her. Kidou placed your bag in the car.

"Thank you, Kidou." You thanked him as your mother was hugging you. You blushed at her affection and Kidou just laughed.

"Of course! It'll be lonely without you." He said that's when you pulled out a piece of paper.

"Here! It's my phone number if you wanna talk, text me!" He smiled.


"We gotta get going (Y/N)!" Your father yelled. You looked at Kidou and waved him off.

"I'll see you later Kiodu." You said and you went into the car.

"See you soon, (Y/N)!" After your goodbyes, you and your parents drove off. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now