[Chapter 54]

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"Come on guys, wake up!" Aki yelled as she violently shook Endou, who was in a deep sleep.

"Ugh! None of them will wake up!" Haruna complained. Today was the game with Orpheus and Little Gigants. Since everyone was still asleep, you know you and the team would be late.

"Alright do whatever you can, loud noises, pour water over them, even try pushing them off the bed, got it?" You said. The girls and Willy agreed and went to different rooms. You went to Kidou's room. He looked so peaceful sleeping, especially since you can see him with his goggles off. You walked up to him and shook him.

"Kidou! Wake up!" You said as you shook him. He groaned.

"Seriously Kidou we'll be late if you don't- Wah!" You yelped as you got dragged down by Kidou. He hugged you close and hummed. You blushed as you both were face to face. You were so tempted to kiss his soft lips, but didn't and tried to pull away.

"Kidou!" You dragged him up enough for him to wake up. He looked at you and realized how close you two were and slightly pushed you away and sat up. You both were red like tomatoes.

"What happened here?" Haruna asked.

"Nothing! Nothing.." You said and stood up and left the room. Haruna looked at Kidou as he was still blushing.

"You know," Haruna started. "That would have been the perfect time to kiss her."

"Get out Haruna," Kidou said and pushed her out. Haruna was laughing and skipped away to find you. Kidou took a second, thinking about it. You both haven't kissed each other on the lips, just on the cheek. He began to think.

. . .

Orpheus lost. But now it's time to decide who will go up against Little Gigants. Endou knew for sure it would be Inazuma Japan, but you had a feeling this next match was gonna be a little harder than normal to win against the Kingdom.

When you and the team got back to the training center. And training started. Coach wanted you to go grab some things for the team. Food, towels, and other essentials to help the team. Kidou offered to go with you, but you told him you'd be fine.

As you walked with the list in hand, you got a strange feeling of being followed. You didn't look back and almost made it to the store. Until you felt two men drag you away and covered your mouth to prevent you from screaming. You then passed out.

. . .

(Kidou's POV)

It's been two hours and (Y/N) didn't return. I was so worried about her, I wasn't focused on practice. Everyone noticed (Y/N)'s absences and got worried too.

"Coach, shouldn't (Y/N) be back by now?" Aki asked. We were all on a break getting water. Coach seemed worried too but didn't show it.

"I'll try to call her." Coach said. He picked up his phone and tried to call (Y/N). Nothing. Just her voicemail message. Coach looked scared for a second then started to go back inside the building.

"I'll be back," He said. "Keep training." I followed Coach Kudou to see what he was gonna do. He called the cops. I heard him filing a missing person case.

"Where are you (Y/N)?" I asked myself. "What happened to you?" I went up to her room and sat on her bed. Sitting on her nightstand was her phone. I grabbed it and turned it on, looking at her lock screen. It was me and her.

. . .

(2nd POV)

You struggled in a tied-up chair, your eyes covered by a blindfold. You felt the blood from your body being drained and something else replacing it. You felt dizzy. You begged to be free. You begged and begged, but no one seemed to be in the room. Or at least they didn't say anything to you.

You cried for help and tears fell through your blindfold. You slowly lost consciousness and stopped crying, forgetting who you were.

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