[Chapter 60] End

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It's been a year now and it's finally time for graduation. You were really excited and so was everyone else. You were really excited since you and Kidou had been talking about moving in for college and staying together. Maybe you both were planning ahead too much, but you both didn't care. Kidou loved you, you loved Kidou and you both knew your feelings for one another.

You woke up late and rushed to get ready. Your uniform was messy, your bag was slipping from your shoulder and you almost tripped on your shoelaces. You grabbed a plate of pancakes.

"Bye Mom, love you!" You shouted and shoved your breakfast in your mouth and you ran out to the car. You told your driver to get to the school quickly.

You got a call on your phone and looked to see it was Kidou. You swallow the food that was in your mouth and answer the phone.


"Hey babe, where are you?" Kidou asked you.

"I'm running late, but I'm about 3 minutes away." You told him and he laughed.

"So you'll just barely make it." He said. "Well, I'll see you when you get here."

"Alright, love you!"

"Love you too." He said back and hung up. You made it to the school and ran out of the car, trying to find Kidou. He, thankfully, was waiting for you at the front entrance to the school.

"Glad you're here." He said. You hugged him and panted softly. He hugged you and kissed your head.

"It's a good thing I'm not late." You said. Kidou agreed with you.

"Let's get inside." He said and held your hand and you both walked into the school building together.

After you went to your classes one last time, you went to the gym, where the graduation ceremony was held. One by one all the graduates were walking up to the stage. You, Kidou, Endou, Gouenji, and Natsumi, all third years. And although tears were shed, you were all happy and ready to take on the next step in the world. And you and Kidou were ready to take on the world together.

. . .

It was a day after graduation, and your parents decided to throw a big graduation party for you and the rest of the team. The team loved the idea and some questioned your parents' money, but it didn't bother you.

Before the party started, you and Kidou were in your room, looking at schools together. Some were nice and others were questionable. Agreeing on one was already difficult.

"Let's go to this one, Yuuto." You pointed to the flier for the school.

"Why that one?" He asked.

"It looks nice and there's a tour of the school coming up soon. We should go." You stated and Kidou shrugged.

"I've heard of their reputation." He said. "Not a lot of good students go there."

"But what about the acceptance rate and graduation rate? They're both pretty high."

"But that doesn't always matter (Y/N)."

"Ugh! We're never gonna find a good school." You groaned.

"We have plenty of time (Y/N)," Kidou reassured you.

"Yeah, I guess..." You sighed. Kidou hugged you and kissed you. You smiled immediately.

"Let's save this for another day, okay?" Kidou suggested and you agreed.

Everyone started showing up, ready to party. It was all the third years though; Haruna wasn't there and neither were Tachimukai, Todd, Kabeyama, and more of the soccer team that wasn't third years.

Everyone went to your backyard and was surprised. You had a giant pool and then to the side, gated off, was a giant field with nothing but a shed. Everyone was excited for the pool and stripped down to their swimsuits. You laughed and jumped into the pool with the others. Kidou joined in and swan to you. The whole day was everyone swimming in the pool and playing games, like Marco Polo. Eventually, your dad set up a bonfire for you all to sit around.

"Everyone," Natsumi said out loud. Everyone looked at her.

"I congratulate all of you, and I'll miss you all too. Remember that we will always be friends no matter what."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered. You smiled. You truly were gonna miss everyone, but you knew that there were more adventures to come for all of you. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now