[Chapter 14]

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The match with the security guards ended. You and the team won with fewer players than the other team, but you all managed. The pink-haired girl, who introduced herself as Touko, the president's daughter, said she would join you in taking down the aliens since they kidnapped her father. Endou agreed to her offer.

Endou decided to fight against Gemini Storm, challenging them. With Touko on the team and the coach helping the team from major injuries, the team was soon becoming stronger to beat the aliens.

But that's not the only thing that happened...

Hitomiko approached the team, facing Gouenji.

"Gouenji Shuuya, you are now off the team." Everyone was shocked. Gouenji? Kicked off the team? Gouenji didn't even fight against her, but the team did.

"Why are you kicking him off?"

"Is it because of the two goals he missed?"

"Give us a reason!"

"Now we're out of an ace striker." You whispered. Gouenji began to walk away.

"Why would you kick him off?!" Someoka yelled at Hitomiko. "He's our best player!"

"I did it for a good reason. Now stop whining." She said and walked away from the group. Endou ran after Gouenji as he was walking away. Endou returned though, by himself. Then the coach spoke up.

"There's an ace striker in Hokkaido at a school called Hakruen Jr. High. Fubuki Shirou is his name."

"So that's where we're going next, I guess," Endou said.

So that's where you all headed, to Hakruen Jr, High. The team stopped at a campsite, went to train, then went for a swim too. Before night came and everyone went to bed.

. . .

When the middle of the night came, you couldn't sleep. You saw Bobby and Endou on the roof of the bus talking. As you avoided them, you walked away sitting at a tree, thinking to yourself. At the same time, Kidou woke up, due to Kabeyama's snoring. He watched you walk to a tree and sit down, looking up at the tree's branches. He decided to hang out with you. You didn't notice him approaching you until he spoke up.

"May I sit with you?" You looked at Kidou and smiled.

"I don't see why not!" You said and Kidou sat next to you, looking at the branches with you.

"Everything okay? You've been quiet all day." He asked you. You shrugged.

"I've just been thinking,"

"About what?" You began to think again. Should you tell him? You were thinking about Kageyama, worrying about his whereabouts and what he might do in the future. Since Kidou knows about Kageyama too and was under his control before, you knew he would become overprotective against the subject of you being under Kageyama's control once too.

"(Y/N)?" Kidou called your name. You decided to lie.

"Just about the aliens... After facing Gemini Storm, I'm kind of doubting my skills-"

"You shouldn't be though. You're an incredible player, you know." Kidou said, trying to reassure you.

"It's not that I think I'm not, I just... I don't know... maybe it's me, or the coach... I don't know..." You tried to think of something to lie about, but Kidou put a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, okay? You, me, and the team will beat these aliens. And if it is coach Hitomiko you're concerned about, just know I understand and trust her, and I'm sure Endou does too." You smiled and hugged him. "If you ever need reassurance, come to me."

"Thank you, Kidou." Kidou blushed but smiled and hugged you.

"Let's head to bed, we've got a whole day ahead of us." You agreed and stood up with him, holding his hand. You blushed as you held his hand. You both parted and went back to sleep. Well, he did, you got confronted by Haruna.

"Why were you out? Who were you out with?"


"Did he tell you about his feelings for you?"

"What is your obsession with us?" You asked, irritated.

"I know he likes you and you do too. So spill, what did you two do?" She whispered.

"Nothing! We just sat together and talked!" You whispered to her. "Now go to sleep." You lay down and slowly fell asleep. She narrowed her eyes and went to sleep.

"If he can't make a move, I'll have to do it for him..."

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now