[Chapter 21]

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This was just awful. First dealing with aliens, and now you and the team have to play against Kageyama Reiji. To make things worse, Kidou's ex-teammates were on Shin Teikoku. You felt bad, but you also felt scared. Earlier, Kageyama said that you knew his plan. A million things were going through your mind about what he could be planning.

"Kidou, those two you were talking to are your teammates, correct?" Coach asked.

"Yes, and they continue to be," Kidou answered.

"Very well, I'll let you take over the plays." She told him.

"I won't let you down, ma'am." Kidou bowed his head and looked over to his ex-teammates.

"Is everything okay Kidou?" He turned to you. Your face held worry for him and he knew it. He patted your head.

"Yeah, just sad about my teammates. But we'll snap them out of their ways." He answered and walked away. You knew you were benched, watching the team play. Sakuma smirked, whistling. This made Kidou run to him.

"No, don't do it! It's a forbidden move!" He screamed. Sakuma didn't listen and penguins attached to his leg. He kicked the ball.

"Emperor penguin #1!" He yelled, soon screeching in pain at the move. Endou attempted to stop it but got just as hurt as Sakuma.

"Why would you use that move?" Kidou asked. "You know why Emperor Penguin #1 is forbidden and you decided to still use it?"

"What, you're scared I'm stronger than you?"

"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you, you idiot!" Kidou yelled. He had such a scared look on his face. This was his best friend and he was hurting himself to be stronger. That's exactly how Kageyama was with you. The team talked on the field for a bit, discussing strategies and so the game went on.

. . .

Kidou was getting more and more frustrated. Fudou was just messing with Kidou and the second half has already started. You were getting so concerned for Kidou. Things looked like they were going great when Fubuki and Someoka scored, but everything went downhill quickly. Fudou hit Someoka's ankle.

"He can't play anymore," Aki said.

"Willy?" Endou called his name in hope.

"My leg is still injured!" He answered.

"(Y/N), you're going on!" Hitomiko said.


"Wait, coach," Kidou said. "I don't want (Y/N) playing in this game."

"Why?" She asked.

"I just don't want her on the field! She can get seriously injured."

"I'm playing Kidou." He was shocked.

"I have to confront my fears... I can't hide from Kageyama anymore." You thought to yourself.

"Someoka, take a break, please." You asked him. He gave in and with Aki's help, he made it to the bench. You smiled and look at Kidou confidently.

"I can help Kidou. Where on the field do you want me?" You asked him. Kidou began to think of the safest place for you to be.


"You got it!" You ran onto the field as did everyone else.

"Protect Sakuma, Genda, and (Y/N). This is going to be difficult..."

. . .

It was difficult, but you guys won the game. You defended the goal, with no injuries at all. However, Genda and Sakuma were incredibly injured. Kidou was devastated. Suddenly, the boat began to, what felt like, sinking. Everyone ran out, you stayed behind so you could get Kidou.

"What do you want from me Kageyama!?" Kidou asked loudly.

"You really want to know?" Kageyama questioned him. "It's you, Kidou Yuuto, my greatest creation!" Kidou, who was more than furious with Kageyama, was pulled back by the detective. You watched as the detective pulled Kidou back.

"Damn you Kageyama!" He yelled.

Back on the ground, Genda and Sakuma were being loaded into an ambulance. You looked at Kidou as he talked to Sakuma.

"Get better soon my friend," Kidou said.

"I'll try." Soon the ambulance drove off. Kidou watched them leave.

"You okay?" You asked him. He turned around to face you and smiled.

"Everything is just fine. My friends are safe now. That's all that matters." He said and patted your head before walking away. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now