[Chapter 42]

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You and the girls were preparing breakfast for the team. You all were excited about today since Furuya had discussed with the coach about a free day to let the team relax. You made sure to thank her a million times.

Once the team woke up and was eating breakfast, the coach told everyone the plan for the day. Letting them know of Furuya's idea. Loving the idea, everyone agreed and began to get ready for their different activities.

Kidou was excited too since this is the perfect time to hang out with you more. He's tried as much as he could to hang out with you no matter what. Kidou decided to go find you.

Back in your room, you and the girls were getting ready and talking.

"Furuya, this was an amazing idea for the team!" Haruna said.

"I agree it's great to relax after being a part of this competition. First having the national selection and now the world!" You said. Furuya blushed, thanking you both.

"So what are you guys wanting to do?" Furuya asked.

"We should go shopping!" Aki suggested. You also agreed.

"Wouldn't you want to go with your boyfriend (Y/N)~?" Haruna asked, which made you roll your eyes.

"Kidou isn't my boyfriend-"

"Come on, it's obvious you like him, (Y/N)," Aki said. You blushed. "I think you should spend today with him."

"Yeah, you should!" Haruna said. "Go on and go find him so you can hang out with him." She then pushed you out of your room, which made you bump into Kidou. Thankfully, he caught you before you fell.

"Haruna?" he asked you. You nodded.

"She pushed me out of my own room!" You shouted, making sure she heard you.

"Well go back in there and get ready, I'll wait for you." He said. You thanked him and went back inside your room. Once you finished, you walked out and so did the other three.

"So what's up Kidou?" You asked him.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to spend today with me?" He asked you, slightly blushing.

"Yeah, Of course!" You agreed and he smiled.

"Great! Let's go!" He said and took your hand as you both walked together.

. . .

You and Kidou had gone shopping at a few stores – meeting Sakuma at one of them – and now you were at a frozen yogurt shop after just getting lunch.

"Frozen yogurt is the best. It's so delicious!" You cheered. Kidou laughed.

"It is pretty delicious, isn't it?" You agreed with him.

"My mom made Galaktoboureko when I was a kid. It's a cake-like pudding and it was one of my favorite desserts." You told him. Kidou hummed.

"What other foods did you like?" Kidou asked. You shook your head.

"Oh come on Kidou, you know so much about me, you would pass a test that was all about me with an A+." You laughed. "Why not tell me more about you?"

"I don't know, I'm not really that interesting." He said, eating his yogurt.

"Yes you are, come on tell me one thing about you." You said. Kidou began to think.

"I like soccer."

"I know that, I mean something I don't already know." You laughed again. Kidou shook his head.

"I guess... I like to cook."

"There you go!" You said. "What do you like to cook?" Kidou shrugged.

"Anything." You sigh.

"Come on Kidou, you never tell me anything about you. It would be nice if I knew a little more about you."

"I don't think you would want to know about me."

"If I didn't want to know more about you, I wouldn't be asking." You were starting to get angry and Kidou can hear it in your voice.

"I'm sorry (Y/N),"

"I don't know why you're apologizing, but it's fine, let's just go back..." You said and stood up throwing your empty carton away. Kidou followed you, throwing his empty carton away too.

Once you guys made it back, you stayed in your room for a bit to cool off. It didn't make sense why Kidou would try to hide from you. You knew about him from when he was Kageyama's successor to when he was on Raimon. So what was he trying to hide from you?

Soon night came and everyone was falling asleep slowly and so did you, waiting for tomorrow's big adventure.

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