[Chapter 44] Pt. 2

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You kicked the ball into the goal. You felt strong and proud. You turned to your team, who were all on the ground, in pain. Kageyama smirked and your coach looked at you terrified. It's been two years since Kageyama trained you, you're now 10 and you were extremely powerful. However, the darkness took over you. Kageyama took over you...

"She is stronger than ever. She's a special player that can take anyone down." Kageyama said. "So, what do you think?"

"What do I think?!" Your coach shouted angrily. "She's a monster! She just pushed all her teammates down and scored, without their help! Soccer is not about one person, it's about all eleven players." You walked over to Kageyama and your coach. You stood proud.

"If you want to win," Kageyama started. "You have to do whatever it takes to win." Kageyama patted your head.

"Wonderful job (Y/N)! You are the best soccer player in all of Greece. And soon you and your team will be the most powerful-!"

"Absolutely not!" Your coach shouted. You looked at him angrily.

"You told me I had to be the best to stay on this team! Now that I am your gonna push me aside after all I've done!" You shouted. "I am staying on this team, whether you like it or not!" You then took the ball that was in your hands and kicked it as hard as you could into the goal. Your coach and teammates were scared.

. . .

"You're being kicked off, (Y/N)!" The coach shouted as you had another "tantrum" during practice. You got angry.

"No! I'm staying on this team." You fought back.

"(Y/N)..." Your mother said your name softly. "This is for the best, honey." Your eyes widened at your mother's words.

"But mom-!"

"A spoiled brat like you shouldn't be on a team, especially if you're only goal is to win!"

"That's what soccer is all about!" You screamed at your ex-teammate. Your mother pull you away from the team and took you home.

The house was quiet. You were so angry and sad. You loved soccer, but it seems you took your love for it too far. It's been a week and you started to go back to normal, however, you became quieter. You sat at home, watching TV with your mom. A knock came on the door and your mother stood up to check. She opened the door and you watched her open the door. It was Kageyama.

"No, no, no, go Reiji!" Your mother said rudely. Kageyama was shocked but amused.

"Why should I leave?" He asked. "I found a better team for (Y/N), she'll fit perfectly with them-"

"Forget it!" Your mother screamed. "You will not approach my daughter anymore. She is broken because of you and I will not see that ever again!" You stood and watched this arguing going on. Your father came and escorted you away, sending you to your room. When you got up the stairs, you looked back, and Kageyama smirked at you before he left. You got scared and ran to your room. You were so scared. That smile will never leave your mind. You didn't leave your room and you soon fell asleep.

After that incident, your parents made plans to leave, finding a better home for you three in Japan. Your father talked about his hometown, Inazuma Town, which made you happy since he seemed so excited to move back. But you were happier to be away from your haunting past. Away from your teammates, your coach, and him...

(FlashBack End)

Kageyama smirked at you, the same way he did before he left. You were scared like you were back then. He immediately looked over to Kidou.

"I knew it," Kidou whispered.

"So this is Kageyama?" Fideo asked. Kidou nodded.

"His name is Mr. K." A voice told them. A boy walked out from behind Kageyama, who looked like Kidou, but different. His goggles were different, his hair was in a low ponytail and his cape was a different style. Kidou looked scared to see him. It was like looking in a mirror. This game is gonna get complicated.

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