[Chapter 32]

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Coach Hibiki called everyone to the gym to announce something important. He first told you and the girls, along with Willy, who was there as a manager now, about the tournament. Then he asked you to help set up a match to decide the team. You stood in the gym, waiting for everyone to show up. And eventually started talking to Kidou. He was wondering why everyone was here, but you only told him that the coach would tell everyone. Endou finally showed up with a new kid and then the coach began to explain.

"The FFI tournament is coming up and I want you guys to participate, however, I only need 16 of you on the team."

"Since there's 22 of you, we'll split you guys into two groups of eleven and you'll play in a mini-match against one another," Nelly said. Aki split the teams, Kidou and Endou being the captains. It made you nervous since Fudou and Kidou were on the same team.

. . .

You and the other managers were standing off to the side on the bench, watching the first half of the game for Inazuma Japan. Everyone was doing great, however, you noticed Kidou struggling with Fudou and it made you worried.

The first half was over now and you started setting the waters up for everyone on Kidou's team.

"Seems you got nothing better to do girly?" Fudou said.

"You just play the game banana head and maybe I'll make you feel better about your sorry self." You spat back, laughing. He laughed too and took water and a towel, walking off.

"What was that about?" Gouenji asked. Kidou was beside him, curious about your engagement with Fudou.

"He's just messing with me. We do that often."

"So you guys are friends?" Gouenji asked again. You nodded.

"Yeah, he's pretty okay to be around!" You answered. Kidou sighed. As long as he wasn't being rude to you or trying anything then he was happy you and Fudou were friends. But that still didn't change Kidou's feelings about Fudou. He was still a jerk and the fact that the two had to be on the same team frustrated Kidou.

"Well, you guys are doing great! Keep up the good work and you'll for sure make it onto Inazuma Japan!" You cheered. Everyone smiled at you.

"Thank you (Y/N)."

. . .

The game was over, Endou won and everyone was out of breath. All that was left was to wait for the coach's decision. You were still hyping everyone up, giving them positive feedback.

"You'd make such a great cheerleader girly!" Fudou teased. You rolled your eyes.

"He's right though, you're just as positive as Endou when it comes to games, and you're loud and proud!" Aki compliments.

"Thank you!" You said.

"Alright listen up boys!" Coach Hibiki called out. "Before you find out who's on the team, I'd like you to meet your new coach, Kudou Michiya." Everyone was shocked. Once again Hibiki wasn't going to be their coach. Though everyone was disappointed, they let it be.

Kudou announced the 16 players that were on the team. Everyone celebrated and the ones who did make it on the team wished them all good luck. This was the start of a new adventure, once again.

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