[Chapter 51]

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Training went incredibly well, as usual. Everyone was ready for their next match. While you and the girls stood off to the side, watching. Tori and Rika came onto the field, excited to see everyone again.

"(Y/N)!" Rika shouted and hugged you. You were caught by surprise but hugged her back.

"It's great to see you again (Y/N)," Tori said.

"You too." A break was called and everyone went to the bench. Kidou, as usual, approached you and hugged you. You hugged back and kissed his cheek. Rika gasped happily.

"OMG! They're finally together!" She cheered. Haruna joined her.

"I know I'm so happy!" They giggled together and you rolled your eyes. You looked down at Rika's wrist.

"Cute bracelet, Rika." You complimented her. She smiled.

"Thanks, I got it from these two merchants. There were two actually, one for me and one for Tori." She explained. Tori shrugged.

"I didn't trust those guys so I'm not wearing it. They also gave us this (Favorite/Gem) necklace." Tori then showed you the necklace and the bracelet. Haruna took the bracelet.

"I think it's cute, could I have it?" She asked.

"Go ahead and (Y/N), you can have that necklace." She added. You smiled.

"Thank you, Tori." You looked at the necklace, and the (Favorite/Gem) started glowing, making your eyes glow too.

"(Y/N)?" Kidou snapped you out of your staring. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah sorry, the necklace is really pretty, that's all." You answered. Kidou smiled.

"Well let me help you put that on." He offered. You agreed and turned around as he clipped the necklace together. You looked at it. The necklace reached your lower chest. With the (Favorite/Gem), it was decorated with silver in the form of angel wings on one side and devil wings on the other. It looked beautiful.

"Alright, guys let's get back to training!" Endou announced. The team cheered and went back on the field. Kidou kissed your cheek and went to the field. You smiled and blushed.

"Well, isn't it so nice to see you two finally together!" Rika said. You pushed her away as you laughed.

"Lay off, girl."

"What? I knew you liked him and I knew he liked you back since he literally told me so." Rika said with confidence. Although you already knew that, you got curious.

"When did he tell you that?" You asked.

"During the Aliea Academy Era." She answered plainly. You were shocked, but let it slide as it didn't matter since you both were together now.

Fideo, Edgar, Mark, Dylan, and Terse came to play with the team. You smiled as they all started playing. Tori had joined in while Willy and the rest of the girls, including Rika, stood off to the side.

The sky was dark and stormy, but it didn't bother you all, until lightning stroke down, scaring everyone. Both Haruna and Rika's bracelets started to glow along with your necklace. While Haruna and Rika's bracelets were light blue light, yours was (F/C).

Suddenly two strangers came down from above and began to attack the team. You protected Haruna and Rika stood defensive. However, it didn't stop the strangers from grabbing Rika and Haruna. You successfully backed one of them away from Haruna, but the other took Rika. The team tried to fight back, but couldn't. You were the only one who got close to one of the guys. He looked at you in anger, then smirked.

"I see you are our queen." You were confused by his words.

"Get away from her!" Kidou shouted, running towards you. The stranger kicked a ball at Kidou, pushing him back and leaving him weak.


"Brother!" Haruna tried to run, but the stranger got to her and then she suddenly passed out.

"Haruna! No!" You got pulled back by two figures. The stranger approached you. You looked into his eyes and suddenly, you fainted...

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