[Chapter 10]

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You sat on the bench, crying, as your team was leaving practice. Yet another day of bullying by your upper classmates. You didn't know what to do. They were older than you, you could say wiser, but you didn't want to be rude to them. You wiped your tears as you were about to stand up and leave when a voice stopped you.

"Watching those kids was pathetic. They shouldn't be rude to such a little girl." You turned around and looked up. An older man stood above you. He was incredibly tall, he had long hair, tied in a low ponytail.

"And I thought visiting this place would be great." He looked down at you.

"W-Who are you?" You asked him.

"I'm Kageyama Reiji. And you are?" You backed away as he leaned down to your level.

"Mama said to never talk to strangers." You said and began to grab your bag and walk away.

"I'm no stranger, I know your mother, Roselle (L/N), right?" Your eyes grew wide and you turned around.

"As I expected, You're her daughter, (Y/N) (L/N), right?" Kageyama said. You nodded your head.

"How do you know mama?" You asked him.

"Your mother and I go back a few years. I was her babysitter when she was younger."

"Wow, you're old..." You whispered.

"Why don't I walk you home? Or if your mama is picking you up, I'll sit here with you and wait." Kageyama sat on the bench. You didn't like the idea, but you were too little and naive to say no, so you sat on the bench, far away from him.

"Why were you crying?" Kageyama asked.

"My teammates were being mean... They called me names and pushed me around. They even scraped my knee!" You said and showed him your knee that had a light pink bandaid on the scrape.

"Oh, you poor girl. How can those kids be so mean to you?" Kageyama asked in a baby voice to you. You nodded your head agreeing with him.

"Is there a reason why they are so mean to you?" He asked you.

"They want me to be the best ace striker ever! So they're pressuring me!" You explained. "I don't like how mean they are, and sometimes they won't even let me practice with them..."

"Then how are you supposed to be their best ace striker if you don't practice?"

"That's what I tried to tell them!" You shouted.

"Well, if you let me, I can train you to be the best striker ever! You won't have to deal with their mean words ever again!" You thought it over and agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Reiji! That would be very helpful!"

"(Y/N), sweetie!" You looked up and saw your mother.

"Mama!" You ran up to her and hugged her.

"Reiji, Long time no see!" Your mother said, breaking your hug. You hid behind your mom's leg.

"It has been a long time, Roselle." He said and they began to talk.

. . .

"Kick the ball (Y/N)!" Kageyama shouted. You did as Kageyama said and kicked the ball with all your might. It's been a few weeks since Kageyama started training you, and you were starting to regret it. You thought he'd be kinder than your teammates, but he was worse.

"Too slow, you want to be the best right? Start acting like the best!" You were breathing heavily.

"Mr. Reiji, I'm tired. Can we take a break?"

"You're being a wuss! Get up and keep kicking the ball!" You sighed and ran. Kicking the ball around and dodging cones. From afar, your mother watched. She couldn't tell what Kageyama was saying to you, but she knew it was bad. She sighed sadly and walked away from the window.

"Come one (Y/N), snap out of it!" Kageyama yelled. Every mistake you made he followed with a nasty comment.

"Keep going!"

"Stop being a pathetic loser!"


(Flashback End)

"(Y/N)!" You snapped out of your flashback. You turned to Kidou, who had been calling your name. "Are you okay? You've been staring off into space for a while." He said, worried.

"Yeah, I just..." You began to think. "I'm just nervous about that coach for Zeus. He's... scary..." You said. Kidou looked at Kageyama.

"He's an awful man. I trusted him once, and I will never trust him again."

"I trusted him once too, Kidou..." You thought to yourself.

"Don't worry too much about him, okay?" Kidou said, looking at you, reassuringly. You nodded and smiled.

"Alright! Let's get this game started!" Coach Hibiki shouted. Everyone got in place on the field. You sat on the bench, watching from afar as a disaster was about to unfold...

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