[Chapter 20] Pt. 2

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The bus ride was quiet. You sat next to Kidou away from Fudou. Kidou sat in the middle of you and Fudou. Kidou held your hand, and pushed you away from Fudou, almost squishing you between him and the window.

"Kidou?" He looked at you.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to squish you. I just..." Kidou began and sighed. "I'm scared."

"Aw! Protecting your girlfriend, It's not like she's gonna be safe for long."

"She's not my girlfriend. And what do you mean?" Kidou asked. Now you grew scared. What does he mean by that?

"Make a right turn here!" Fudou said. The bus driver turned right and continued driving until he stopped by the ocean. Everyone exited the bus, confused.

"Where is Shin Teikou? I don't see it anywhere."

"What are you blind? It's right there!" Fudou said, pointing out onto the ocean. Suddenly a giant submarine came up from the water. Once the submarine landed, floating perfectly on the water, a set of stairs was brought out. And standing at the top of those stairs was Kageyama.

"No! Not him!" You panicked in your head. Kageyama looked at you but quickly moved his gaze to Kidou.

"It's nice to see you again, Kidou."
"What are you doing here Kageyama!?" Kidou asked angrily.

"Aww, not calling me master? What a shame." Kageyama pouted.

"What's your plan Kageyama? Why are you here?" You could tell Kidou was angry, who wouldn't be? You stood away, hiding behind Hitomiko.

"Even if I told you my plan, you wouldn't understand. But I know someone else would..." He chuckled, looking at you.

"What are your connections with Aliea Academy Kageyama?" Hitomiko shouted.

"If you're talking about the Aliea rock, then my answer is yes."

"Aliea rock? What is he talking about?" Endou asked.

"Anyway, Kidou, I hope you're ready to see your old teammates."

"Get back here you!" Kidou said as he ran after him.

"Kidou wait!" Endou ran after him.

"I'm going too!" Touko said.

"Ah, ah, ah! I don't think so." Fudou stopped her. "This is a personal thing between Kidou and his old teammates. You might as well stay down here." 

"(Y/N)! Where are you going?!" Everyone, including Fudou, watched as you ran up the stairs after Kidou and Endou. You had been fighting yourself in your head about if you should go with them or not, but you had a bad feeling about this and you followed.

"Tch," Fudou tch'ed as he slowly followed behind you. "Whatever..."

. . .

You made it to the top, seeing Kidou and Endou standing on the big field with Kageyama walking away from them, telling them to "have fun!"

"Come on girly!" Fudou said, putting his hands on your shoulders and pushing you closer to Endou and Kidou. "Let's go meet with the others!" Both boys turned around, and Kidou was angry.

"Leave her alone!" Kidou yelled and pulled you towards him. "Never ever touch her." Fudou shrugged.

"My bad, lover boy." Fudou then walked away. "Are you ready to see your old teammates again? Cause they've been dying to see you." As Fudou said this to Kidou, two figures appeared out of the darkness. One boy with teal hair and an eyepatch, not even covering his right eye. The other guy had spiky brown hair and a scar along his right eye. It looked like he got clawed by a beast.

"Hey, Kidou. How are you?"

"Sakuma and Genda!" Endou called their names. "It can't be."

"You both can't be serious?" Kidou asked. "Why did you two go back to him?"

"For his power," Genda said.

"What power? Kageyama had fake power, nothing about him is real!" Endou said.

"And besides, you left us," Sakuma added.

"I didn't leave you guys! I felt like a failure for not being able to protect my team." Kidou explained, but it seemed like his words weren't getting to them.

"Come on guys, it's not too late to stop what you're doing," Kidou said. "Come on guys, please." As Kidou was about to put a hand on Sakuma's shoulder, Skauma slapped him away. This shocked Kidou, Endou, and even you.

"We laid in our hospital beds, day after day. I bet you didn't even think about how we were feeling." Sakuma said.

"You have no idea what we were feeling. While we sat in our bed, you kept winning and winning." Genda said. You couldn't believe this. His own teammates were thrashing him for something he never did wrong. However, he approached them a little more, bowing his head.

"I'm sorry." Kidou apologized. Fudou laughed.

"You gotta be kidding me! You're apologizing!"

"I'm deeply sorry. I wasn't thinking about you and how you'd feel. I only thought about myself."

"That's not true though..." You thought to yourself, but you didn't want to interrupt.

"I'll apologize as much as I need to, just please stop following Kageyama Reiji."

"It's too late!" Sakuma kicked the ball straight at Kidou, knocking him back. You covered your mouth, terrified.

"Kidou!" Endou called out for him. Kidou stood up, pushing Endou away when he tried to help.

"Why though?"

"Because the shame of losing is too powerful to overcome," Sakuma said, kicking the ball once more at Kidou, this time you stepped in.

"Kidou!" You rushed to him.

"Stay back!" He yelled. "This is between me and them (Y/N)."

"You're seriously not going to leave him, after everything he's done to us," Kidou asked, weakly.

"Why would we? He's the only one who's making us stronger." Genda said. Sakuma continued to kick the ball at Kidou. But Endou stopped it before it hit Kidou.

"You can say whatever you want," He began. "But don't insult my game. Kageyama is all about power and greed. So we're gonna prove it to you."

"You're gonna lose," Sakuma said. "Because we have a secret weapon on our side." Kidou gasped at what Sakuma said as they walked away.

"Kidou? Are you okay?" You asked him.

"I'm fine..." He said as he let you help him up. This was gonna be a long game...

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