[Chapter 56]

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After two days you got discharged from the hospital. Kidou walked with you back to the training center. When you got back, the team was training. The match against Little Gigants was coming soon. Two days felt like forever, and watching the team practice was relieving. As you were about to walk down to see everyone, Kidou grabbed your hand and took you to the building. You laughed.

"Kidou, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" You asked him.

"Let's relax. I'd like to be with you for a day." Kidou said. You smiled but knew there was more to it than just hanging out.

He led you to your room and closed your door. He took his goggles off, placing them on your nightstand. He led you to the bed and lay with you holding you close. He was behind you, spooning you. You sighed and relaxed against his touch. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

He lightly chuckled and kissed your cheek. You turned your head to face him and you both kissed. You pulled away but immediately went for his lips again. Your hands went to his face and held his face. Kidou flipped you both over so he was on top. You straddled his waist and pulled him closer. He sighed in the kiss and held your waist. You both were lost in the kiss, it felt like an eternity before you two broke apart from each other's lips. He tried to kiss you again, but you blocked him, giggling.

"Why are you blocking me?" He asked and laughed.

"Hang on, lover boy," You said and laughed. "I know you want something, so what is it?"

"You." He said and tried to kiss you again. You blocked him once again.

"Yuuto," You said his first name. "Just tell me." You got serious for a bit. Kidou sighed.

"I guess I can't get out of this until I tell you?" He asked and you nodded, agreeing. "The detective said Kageyama told him Garshield's plan before he passed. He said how you were a valuable asset to his plan to start a war. And how Kageyama was trying to get to you for that reason, and the detective said that you knew about it. Did you?" You shrugged.

"I didn't know at first, but Kageyama basically gave me clues about his plan to use me as an ultimate weapon for world domination. I didn't know Garshied was a part of it though." You explained.

"Oh... I see." Kidou said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, Yuuto."

"No it's okay, (Y/N). I'm not mad, I'm just glad you're safe." He said and kissed you. You felt so relieved to hear him say that and you kissed him back. You placed your hands around his neck and pulled him closer, wrapping your legs around his waist. He smiled in the kiss and held you by your waist. Before anything more continued, a knock was heard at your door. You both jumped up and away from each other, blushing.

"Who uh- who is it?" You asked nervously.

"It's me, Endou!"

"What is it, Endou?" You asked.

"I was wondering if Kidou was with you, we need him at practice." He asked.

"Yeah, I'll go get him for you."

"Thank you!" Endou then ran off.

"I'll just head to practice, then," Kidou said and stood up. "Will I see you there?"

"You know I will," you said and winked at him. You stood up and kissed him. "I'm just gonna take a quick shower." Kidou nodded and left. You went to your bathroom and showered.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now