[Chapter 18]

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Three days of training in Hokkaido, and you weren't getting any better. All you thought about was Kageyama. He wouldn't leave your head after having that bad dream about him. You weren't the same during practice, and you lashed out quickly toward everyone, and over really small things too. You yelled at Haruna for bumping into you, by accident. You apologized to her though. Not only was your mental state not only, but your physical state was also just as bad. Bags under your eyes, puffy red eyes, you looked skinnier than usual and you took training way too literally.

Suddenly, Gemini Storm came, challenging the team. And so the match began.

"Okay, we'll be adding Fubuki on the field as a defender. (Y/N), I want you to take over as a forward." Everyone was shocked. Not only at the fact Fubuki was only going to be a defender, but you were being put on the field?!

"Coach," Kidou started. "As much as we need eleven players on the field, (Y/N) is in no state to play." Kidou was worried for you, you never talked to him and when he tried to talk to you, you brushed him off or snapped at him. You look at Kidou.

"Are you saying I'm not good enough anymore to be on the field with you?" You asked, angry. Kidou looked at you sadly.

"No (Y/N), I would never say that about you. You aren't well, you need to rest and eat something."

"She's going in, Kidou." The coach said and walked away. You looked at Kidou.

"I'm gonna prove to you that I deserve to be on the field, no matter what." You then walked onto the field. Everyone watched you, sadly.

"We'll just have to keep an eye on her!" Endou said. "Just make sure she doesn't get the ball." Everyone agreed and walked onto the field. The whistle blew and you passed the ball to Someoka, running to the goal. The ball was quickly stolen though as Gemini storm moved forward. You grew angry and ran after the ball. Kidou watched you carefully, while also commanding the pitch.


"I'm on it!" Fubuki shouted as he went to retrieve the ball. He successfully got the ball.

"Pass it!" You yelled. Fubuki looked at you and sighed and kicked the ball to Ichinose. You looked at him shocked but ran with the team to the goal. This pattern continued as everyone avoided you on the field. Hitomiko noticed this.

"Coach!" Natsumi called for her which made Hitomiko turn her head. "(Y/N) needs to be off the field. She's not in the proper condition to play. Please, substitute her out." Natsumi explained.

"She's right! Everyone is avoiding her because they're scared for her. She needs rest!" Haruna said, tears almost flowing from her eyes. However, Hitomiko didn't listen and watched the game continue.

As the game went on you grew angrier and angrier. Keeping the ball away from you made it harder for everyone else. You managed to get the ball a few times, but not for long as you only passed it to the others, aggressively. Soon the first half ended.

"Why are you guys keeping the ball from me?!" You asked. No one answered. "I'm on the team too, idiots! I'm not just gonna stand on the field and look pretty!"

"(Y/N)," Kidou called your name. "You need to–"

"Start giving the ball to (Y/N)." The coach said.

"Coach she–"

"You're only making her more angry and aggressive," Hitomiko said. "Everyone back on the field. Fubuki, you're now a forward."

The second half began. Everyone was hesitant, but they began to give you the ball. You and Fubuki began taking charge most of the time. You were able to score with Infinite Arrow, but it was a little weak. By the end of the game, it was 3-1, Raimon winning.

"We won!" Endou cheered. The team celebrated, but then another Aliea Academy team introduced themselves as Epsilon. Gemini Storm was beaten, but now it was time to beat yet another team. Epsilon left, leaving the team worried.

"Not another... stupid alien team..." You said and fainted. Kidou watched as you collapsed to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" He shouted, rushing over to you. Everyone looked over at Kidou. He picked you up carefully. Kidou gritted his teeth.

"See coach! She should've been off the field!" Haruna shouted.

"She knew what would happen." Coach said. "All she wanted to do was prove her strength and show you guys that she's good enough. This is her own fault." Hitomiko said. Kidou looked at your face, finally relaxed and not angry.

"You'll be okay (Y/N)." He whispered and picked you up.

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