//Crayons and Paper//

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Your walking down a dark hallway, like its really dark but the only thing lighting it up is the red lights that magically showed up on the sides of the hall.

Sally wanted you to go get crayons and Paper for drawing shit, and you being you went on a long ass quest throughout the manner looking for those exact utensils.

Beating the shit out of Jeff, locking BEN in the bathroom while the tub was over flowing also counts for looking for crayons and Paper btw.

The closer you got to the end of the hall, the louder the manly humming and weird ass babbles become.

Like Nichol from that one amazing world of gumball episode where Banana fuck face makes her go insane from that one song.


You get it.

"Um? I need some stuff...like." you began speaking, but the humming was to damn scary you were about to piss yourself so you just decided to shut up.

You were in the proxy quarters, Masky's hall for that matter.


Your eyes widened, you froze in your steps as your eyes adjusted to the light and made out a figure at the end of the hall.

"Masky? The fuck did the fan girl do to you?"

You took a step closer, the lights near Masky grew closer towards his frame making the scene MUCH more horrifying than it needed to be.

His back faced you, something in his hands.

Your eyes soon got full vision of the needed materials in his hands, you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Your bitch ass had them the whole damn time-!"

"I HAVE CRAYONS AND PAPER HERE!" he turned around, his jacket was fucking destroyed with purple crayola smears. His mask had so many broken crayons sticking out of his eyes and mouth like he went full ass gorilla mode and decided to eat the wax.

"OH HELL NAH!" you shouted a poor camera quality scream, like the ones from MH, stepping backwards as he only made his way forwards.


"HAVE THEM BITCH!" you tripped over air, but! Luckily you fell besides a....


You was about to go full ass Hoodie mode on this masked son-of-a-bitch.

You regained your balance, in your fighting stance for whenever you had Toby would test who has the strongest impact when bodying another human being.

"Come at me, you Elmo lookin bitch ass hoe."

I began running towards the man, untill, suddenly, furthermore, next...

My wrench got snatched by a damn noodle.

"What the hell are you two doing?" With the snap of his fingers, everything went back to normal.

"We were filming a damn action movie! The hell is your problem?!" You shouted, throwing your hands up in the air. "What? Is this why Toby 'mixed' up my medication for me to go rabid!" Masky shouted, dropping the crayons and Paper.

BEN came walking out of one of the rooms, camera in hand while Toby followed behind.

"This should do, now let's get one of Y/n putting a whoopie cushion in the bosses chair." He hummed, reviewing the footage.

"Y/N? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUT A DAMN TOY IN MY SEAT?" The stick roared at you, causing BEN to look up from the camera and realize you four were fucked.

"Um, it was Laughing Jack." You pointed down the hall, seeing that Jack just so happened to walk out of his room at the wrong time.

"I'm at the damn point of kicking your mentally ill asses out for a damn week just to see who has the brain capacity to survive by themselves without turning everything into a comedy skit."
The stick like bitch growled, floating away ready to beat Jack's clown ass.

Jack is gon be a toddler who was having a good day and got blamed for stealing sum, so then he just going to be sad for the rest of the day.

"I say today was a good day." Toby chirped, a smile placed underneath his mask.

"If you count the fact we're going to be homeless, then yes Tobias, what a great fucking day it twas." Masky huffed, storming to his room.

"So about the crayons."

Should I make a creepypasta hunger games chapter 🤨 :0

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