- Not So Slay -

65 1 0

January 7th, 2023


1 : 00 am


// YOUR POV //

You sat in the bosses office, watching the Slenderman put away the last of his paper work.
You began to secretly tear off the old leather of the chair out of boredom, you were also tired.

"So, what do you want to know?" He straightened his posture, looking down on you.
Your gaze shifted from the leather tears and up to your bosses face, trying not to laugh.

"Uh, this is the Fannon reality, correct?" You rose your eyebrow, sitting up in your chair. "Correct." He responded, clearly he never thought he would have to have this conversation with you.

"Why was Laughing Jack like that? Are the others the real versions of themselves? What am I?!" You rushed, trying to get as much answers as possible.

"Laughing Jack is simply a figment of imagination, that's what he's told me atleast.
He can easily shift from reality to reality, so if you really thought about it, there's only one Laughing Jack. The others are not the, real versions of themselves. They are...I don't know how to put it, Fannon?" He spoke, "And you, are the Fannon version of yourself. The other Y/n, the Cannon one if you will is close with Laughing Jack, which is how the other Y/n has been able to shift to our reality along side him. The other Y/n lives in the real Creepypasta universe, the less humane one." He paused.

You paused as well taking it all in, you weren't...real?

"You are real, in this universe. There are millions of different multiverses of our reality,  if you decide to believe so atleast. The other Y/n was originally supposed to be here in your place, but...The creator of this alleged 'story' decided to take a different route for our life. 
The reason why some things have been changing, Laughing Jack's hostility, Your grim emotions are the side affects of the other Y/n's doing." The Slenderman took a moment to swipe of some dust that landed on his arm.

"The other Y/n is the bad guy?" You asked.

"Not exactly, they don't even know what their doing. This shifting reality thing, is their coping mechanism that I, sadly opened up for them.
They are my main proxy after all, and I need them to stay strong. In the cannon universe, things that you would never imagine of your killer friends are doing are happening. Things that you would never do are happening.


If you want to see this for example, go to Book Two in my actual Creepypasta X Reader series, Called Monster, And scroll down to PART ONE and TWO of "day at the house".


"I'm side tracking, My apologies. All I will say is that Y/n, the other you is living their story while you are here. Y/n's story, life whatever you want to call it is forced and nothing can change their fate due their set in rock actions, while yours is of choice.

"Y/n, you don't have to stay here. There is a life out there for you, outside of this forest. This forest, time never changes, it's all an illusion.
The others don't know this, ofcourse, because if they did, they would all be gone and who would I have to do my dirty bids?" He laughed, laughed at your friends who were being held against there un-knowledgeable minds being manipulated by the second.

What does the Slenderman do better than anyone? Manipulate.

"What, do you mean?" You got quiet.

"You simply chose to force your way into this reality, there are thousands of other Y/n's who are taking your place right now. Not trying to freak you out, ofcourse, only speaking of the truth. Your life is still open, you can still leave before evil takes advantage of this tear in the Fannon and cannon reality." He went quiet as well.

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