- I Actually Have a Purpose??? -

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Glad to have this show on the road.

Read this chapter if you want to stay caught up!

Have a good read :)


January 4th, 2023

12 : 45 am


// YOUR POV //

You sat up in Sallies room, sneaking some of her cookies. She was assumingly down in the kitchen getting tea (which was really just sink water).

You looked down to the play table that you and Toby dug in the dumpster and painted for Sally, Charlie sat across from you at the table while keeping his beety black eyes on yours.

"Bro, stop looking at me. That shits creepy." You mutter, making some space between yourself and the teddy. "You don't belong here, mortal." Charlie spoke back. "Now you talk?" You whisper a laugh, glaring down on the creature. You always felt light headed around it, as if it took your energy away.

"I'm not talking about this specific house, dipshit.
You don't belong in this universe, this...?" He didn't even know the name of his universe.

"Creepypasta realm...Fannon realm." He continues.

"The other Y/n, The cannon one is who you should be. The other Y/n is intelligent, they've learned to shift here when your gone busy doing your crazy adventures." He smiled, he knew he broke something.

You looked down on him, furrowing your eyebrows;

"Huh?" You scratched your head.

"Ohhhh other Y/n, the one with the fucked up face? I've met them, their pretty cool. We have the same similarities! We both hate Jeff!" You smiled, ah yes, the Y/n who You would spot eating out of the fridge in the middle of the night while chugging BENs faygo.


(If you've read my other series, Book Two and Three of MONSTER and FEEL OF TWO you would know what I'm talking about... bacically both of you from different series have learned to cut into both realities?)


"I- What?" He paused, slumping a bit in his seat.
You could hear Sally on her way back up the steps with the tea water, Soon this totally non meaningful or important conversation would be over.

"We've only met once, They just looked me up and down and started fucking crying while whispering 'im so sorry'." You sighed, "Their pretty traumatized from the cannon creepypasta universe, thank Zalgo I don't have to go." You smirked.

Your ass has never met Zalgo, so really you didn't know who you were thanking.


"Hm, the mortal finally believes!" The demon laughed of mockery, brushing back his solid black hair. His suit fit perfectly against his strong body, his office was quiet but hot with his presence.

The demon bit down on his bottom lip, resisting a smile.

"Welcome to my hell, Darling."


Charlie sighed, "Talk to the laughing Jack if you want answers, and if he gives you those weird wide eyes, just know he's playing games ... He has your answers." Charlie went teddy mode as soon as Sally walked in, going limp.

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