// Murder On Sesame Street //

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Once in a week, a thought in your mind may come up random, and this opens up the possibility of an Elmo X Jeff The Killer story.

All for shits and giggles.

(I'm going to end this story soon if I don't get real suggestions)


One Stormy Night On Sesame Street....

The skilled killer loomed in the dark, his metal blade naked of any blood. This made the killer snarl, his eyes glared at the sight of no apparent victims.

"Cookie, I didn't mean-" "Shut it you red tampon! I know you spent MY money on freaking CUPCAKES! WHY NOT COOKIES?!" A sudden shout immerged from the corner, making the killer freeze at the high pitched voices.

Jeff stepped closer to the corner, just to the point he could have perfect view of the scene of puppet domestic violence. The killers wide eyes widened at the sight of the tall blue muppet raising his hand apon the small and fragile red puppet known as Elmo.

Something in the killer twinged, set his legs in motion towards the large blue muppet that stood under neith the lamp post.


The killer knocked the Cookie Monster onto the hard rock pavement, bringing his blade through the killer soft blue furr of his chest.
This sight made Elmo screech of horror, either at his long time pimp being killed, or of the beautiful and handsome man who saved him from his life of crime.

Jeff twisted the blade, making cookies eyes widen as an unknown gurgle escaped his large mouth. His furry blue hand that was layered with gold rings suddenly shot for Jeffs wrist, to pause and say his last words.

"Sesame street was never a place, i-it was just a way to lead children into Alleyways for pedophiles to collect kids faster...I-I," He gasped, Elmo stepped closer to the scene, covering his mouth as choked sobs escaped him.

"I LOVE COOKIES!" The blue pimp screamed, and suddenly, his body soon fell limp, his last words that would always be remembered in both the killer, and his favorite worker.

Silence filled the crime scene, Jeff glanced up from the lifeless googly eyes of Cookie Monster, and to Elmo. The killer licked his lips as words bubbled in his throat, but he was speechless.

"You should go, before the police come." Jeff whispered, standing up as he slid his blade into his sweatshirt pocket. "There's no police on Sesame Street, it's always supposed to wholesome... usually theres never murders." Elmo choked, wiping away wet tears from his furry cheeks.

"Hm, would've been better if I knew this sooner. Could'a probably killed the whole fuckin puppet population." Jeff chuckled, ending with a sigh as he looked down on the red and fragile puppet.

"Do you know Kermit The Frog?" Jeff suddenly asks, tilting his head. "You mean Kermit .T. Frog? The famous rapper? After his show ended...things went crazy...but yeah." Elmo sighed, hugging himself.

"Well, a dumbass friend of mine found him in our woods and now he lives at one of our cabins." The killer yawned, shoving his hands into his jeans pocket. The dumbass friend, was you ofcourse...and Brian but Jeff doesn't like mentioning Brian because Brian ruins his pride.

"Kermit's Homeless now? I thought...he was sending us letters of his new mansion and his big booty bitches..." Elmo suddenly felt the urge to cry again, after being lied to by his Ex... that was his best friend.

The killer awkwardly stood there, watching the muppet cry. He stepped forward, kneeling down to the height of the puppet and laid his rough hand on Elmo's soft back, pushing Elmo's head to his chest.

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