// Hewo! I'm Y/N! //

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In the Slenderman's Mansion...

It started off as a normal day, Y/n sleeping on the living room couch hungover. Everyone out... Hunting, while the others moped around in their rooms or sat in the kitchen.


"I'm awake!" Y/n yelped, sitting up on the leather couch. They brushed their h/c hair out of their vision before looking down to the floor where BEN sat with wide eyes, staring down at the front door that was now wide open with three people standing in the way.

"The fuck? Close the door! The cold airs getting inside!" Y/n growled, BEN stayed in his daze.
"Oh my God, that's...the hottest woman I've ever seen." He gasped, Y/n pushed themselves off of the couch and walked to the door, more like stumbled.

"Y/n, meet Y slash n," Tim paused, looking down on the girl and back up at Y/n. "Her names literally Y slash N." He whispered, pushing the girl in and walked into the mansion with hoodie besides them.

Y/n looked down at the oddly short girl, She had an oversized pink sweater with White fuzzy cat ears. Her tail was black and white, her white cat socks were muddy. Y/n raised their eyebrow, a hidden memory displayed itself when Nina forced them to read a Creepypasta X reader fanfiction and this was the typical Neko Y/n.

Y/n's eyes widened in horror, "get that thing out of here."

"Hey! I'm not a thing! I'm a devil! I can kill you, Y'know." The girl suddenly growled, standing on her tippy toes and glared up at Y/n. "Yeah, whatever Toots, I bet your little kitten paws do a lot of stabbing as well." Y/n scoffed, turning on their heels and began to walk away, until..

Something was thrown at them, and that thing was one of Slenders glass vases.

"Eugh! You bitch!" Y/n hissed, grabbing the pack of their head as they turned to look at the other Y slash N. They had glowing red eyes, weird ass black wings were behind them as Tim looked at the girl in disgust.

Hoodie on the other hand, just stood their like a stump.

"What did you just call me?! Say it to ma face!" The girl screamed, and with that some of the residents immerged from the kitchen. Eyeless Jack came out with a bowl of bleeding kidneys, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as Jeff held his knife ready to join the fun.

"W-wait! Pause! OH EM GEE! ARE YOU JEFF THE KILLER??" The girl ran to Jeff, hugging him.
"Uh, yeah...heh, I am." Jeffs face grew red as he hugged the girl back. "Don't hog her to yourself man!" BEN spat, coming up besides the two.

"Oh fuck this shit." Tim spoke in disgust, walking to the stairs and disappeared. Hoodie walked up to the other three, looking down on the girl.
Eyeless Jack went over by Y/n, looking for answers. "So...who the hell is that?" Jack whispered with a mouth full of meat.

Y/n narrowed their eyes on the girl who stuck her tongue out at them, and went back to the other three boys. "HOODSIES! Give me a piggy back ride pwease!" The girl squeeled, and she then climbed onto Hoodies back and he began running.

With BEN and Jeff following right behind him.

"She's a whole ass teenager and talking like a five year old! What has society come to these days." Jack went on, and walked back to the kitchen with his bowl of kidneys.

"I think...I think I'm going to go take that bottle of Flintstone gummies right about now." Y/n paused.


// Y slash N's POV //


Judge Angels and Bloody Painter are so cute together! And their really nice to me, Bloody Painter even painted me a picture of, Me!

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