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In SlenderMan's Forest...




// YOUR POV //

"Now this, is what we call a married couple." You point to Marry and Jane, crouching behind the bushes. The two ladies sit on a bench not far off, enjoying the snow fall and the beautiful scenery of the frozen lake and trees.

"And, this is what you call a single piece of shit." You frown, pointing to yourself as BEN seems into your face with Brian's camera you two stole.


Have you ever wondered what the (Fannon) creepypastas are like on Valentines day? Instead of them killing you, saying fuck you, lets me nice and Well, here's my idea:


Jeff The Killer

Friendship: He would get you a pack of a cigarettes (half used), and give simple "Your welcome" and walk away.

Lovers: Jeff wouldn't do something special, probably would just give you one of his sweatshirts...or do the yk (devils tango 🤧)

BEN Drowned

Friendship: Let you play his PC and let you win

Lovers: he would set this thing up in the woods, give you flowers and a kiss on the cheek and would run away while his arms flail behind himself like noodles

Eyeless Jack

Friendship: a hand written note, maybe a chocolate he stole from Dollar General

Lovers: give you a kidney with a poem inside or some shit (he freaky yk) and would want to spend the day with you. He'd cook a great meal for you  (it's actual venison, not human meat just letting yk) and read a book to you.

(Isn't Y/n and E.J practically dating in this story when their drunk? Lmao)

Nina The Killer

Friendship: Give you a box of chocolates and flowers and maybe a love note

Lovers: Give you some of her clothes, Buy you jewelry (she stole) and would give you one of her knifes. She'd take you to a gas station and let you get what ever you want, (ofc she kills everyone in the store)

(You two would go to Jeff and give him shit on how single he is)

Laughing Jack

Friendship: he would get you candy (DO NOT EAT IT!)

Lovers: He would take you on rides at his carnival, preform a show just for you  ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°


Friendship: He would let you use the van for a day, probably make you and the other proxies a special dinner

Lovers: he would take you out to an expensive restaurant, and when you two are done you guys would run out to the woods and go on a midnight walk yk, that romantic shit or wtv and stay up late in the kitchen sharing a bottle of Whiskey (Tim would walk in and eye you two, them grunt and walk out)


Friendship: Um, uh, what does? He would probably let you borrow one of his books he hid his money in and won't even realize that untill you come back to the cabin with a Lamborghini or some shit

Lovers: he'd take you on a walk, Have a heart to heart with you. Cook in the kitchen, mess around and watch a movie (While Brian and Toby secretly record so they can use it against Tim when he says he's not the lovey kinda guy)

Toby/ Ticci Toby

Friendship: Give you a little wooden figurine he carved, maybe give you five bucks to get some candy.

Lovers: He'd steal Brians van just for you two to sneak away to the movies, cause chaos in town and come back to watch a horor movie and mess around in his room while eating candy (that you stole).

Kate/ Kate The Chaser

Friendship: A hand drawn drawing, A piece of candy.

Lovers: She'd give you a bottle of her Vodka (this means she really loves you), She'd force all of the other proxies out of the cabin just to have alone time with you.


Friendship: She'd draw like ten drawings of you, her and everyone in the manner. She'd bake you heart shaped cookies (their burndt but you eat them so she doesn't posses you).

Lovers: 🤨 ayo bro

Bloody Painter

Friendship: Give you a painting

Lovers: Make you the model of his painting, make it a *nude* session as you two flirt with eachother. He'd give you a full ass spa day, make it all about you.


Uh, that's all I think.

Should I make a quick valentine's special for my other book, "Where The Hornets Nest" with Y/n and the proxies?

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