- I Don't Wanna Do This No More, Master -

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At The Proxies Cabin...


JANUARY 22nd, 2023


// YOUR POV //

Tim sits at the kitchen table, wrapping new bandages around his swollen arm. You sit in silence, Brian is busy cooking Breakfast.

"So, Where the hell did you find this...tiger?" Brian asks, sliding your plate infront of you at the kitchen table. "Apparently the fuckers from another universe, And Tim over here decided to fuckin hit it over the head with a damn branch." You mutter, poking at your eggs with your fork.

"Hm, Yer pretty smart, Timothy." Brian grinned, quickly turning back to the stove before Tim could see his face.

"Well, Y/n could've atleast told me where the hell we were going! I didn't know we'd end up having to fuckin fight a damn Lion or whatever the hell that was!" Tim growled, cutting off the last of his bandage. "I knew you were to much of a pussy to willingly go so I couldn't tell you!" You hissed back.

"Guys, Chillax, There's enough of my time for both of you's." Toby's voice echoes off the walls as he makes a grand entrance into the small kitchen, wearing only a flimsy grey t-shirt and black basketball shorts. "What are you on?!" You furrowed your eyebrows, watching the teen walk to the fridge only to stand there for a moment, not finding interest in any of the food, and to close it.

"Earth, dipshit." Toby grinned, leaning against the kitchen counter as he began to space out.

"Rogers, I'm not putting up with you today." Tim whispered, pushing himself up and out of his chair, quickly leaving the room out of annoyance of the teens presence. "He's just jealous he doesn't have as much rizz as me." Toby sighed.

You narrowed your eyes on the brown haired boy, setting your fork down onto your paper plate.

"One of these days I'm going to bust your jaw." You mutter, turning your attention back to your breakfast. "Not if I break it first!" Kate shouted from the living room, "Welp, the woman's awake." Brian whispered a chuckle.

"Say, Y/n, what's up with you? Is it because Kermit sold your T.V for crack?" Toby yawned, making his way over to the chair across from you at the kitchen table. "Actually, No, It's not that." You sighed, taking a sip of your morning drink.

You went into thought.

You and the proxies were binded together, closer than all of the other killers in the mansion. Even though BEN was your first actual friend of these killers, he just managed to become more distant.

Surely you could tell the proxies you were looking to going back home, to your real universe.


"Maybe, It is that. I mean, that T.V did cost alot." You lied, letting out a chuckle at the thought of kermit the fucking frog selling your television for crack cocaine.

"We should've got rid of that damned frog in the beginning." Kate growled, walking in with only a white tank top and red pajama pants. She went straight to the fridge, pulled out a gallon of orange juice, and chugged that shit straight from the bottle.

"Watchu foos talkin about? Yous tryn to get rid of me?! Kermit the mofo frog? Bitch the fuck is wrong witchu insane mofos?!" A nazily voice was heard from in one of the kitchen cabinets, and what do you know?

Kermit the motherfucking frog was in there, listening to you talk shit.


Yall lucky I updated this shit

I honestly don't have a story line anymore

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