// Pasta Games (Off brand of Hunger Games)

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In the arena of the first movie, the creepypastas standing on their rock things ready to sprint to the cornucopia. (It's been years since I've read and watched hunger games.)




"Day one of the pasta Games, our tributes are ready for action and blood! What happens when you put killers against one another? What happens is for us to find out! Enjoy our show, and remember! You can still send in care packages for a specific tribute, may the odds be your favour~"


Y/n stood on their ground, eyeing the other blood thirsty killers, all secretly on edge.

For this being, the weakest and youngest of the creepypastas were placed in the middle of the ring, the more talented were placed further apart.

"I wish you luck, and may the odds be forever, in your favour~" Y/n gritted their teeth at the loud voice that echoed throughout the arena, clenching their fists ready to run away from the open field.


Y/n took off running in the opposite direction of the Cornucopia and so did Sally, Clockwork, Eyeless Jack and Jane...Maybe even Puppeteer.

BEN ran to the Cornucopia as fast as his legs could take him, his red eyes layed on the sward at the edge of the pile of goods. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SHIT!" BEN screeched at Lost silver, pouncing onto the boy and pushed him to the grassy ground. His hands latched onto the boys neck as Lost silver some how had arms and began to scratch at BENs face, BENs grip on Lost Silver tightened...just to the point of death.



"ha!" BEN scoffed, about to rize off of the Boys corpse only to feel a shooting pain in his stomach.
He looked down to see a blade peeking out of his suit, BEN was literally stabbed in the back from his best friend. He turned his head, to see Jeff standing behind him with a crazed smile.

"You one fake motherfucker." BEN gurgled, falling side ways and onto the ground besides the other corpses.

Judge Angels was shot in the head from Hoodie while she tried to go for the duffel bag in the back of the Cornucopia, Bloody painter shot himself in the head once he found a small fire arm because "he wasn't doing this bullshit." And figured he would be rebellious.  Kagekao went for the machine gun, but got his throat slit by Kate who was waiting in the back of the Cornucopia for people who were trying to steal her shit.

Others ran for the woods, Jane and Clockwork along with Eyeless Jack teamed up and ran South.
Hoodie, Masky, Toby and Kate eventually found one another and ran North towards the hill range.

Jeff went solo, In the same direction of Sally and Y/n.

"Y/n! Can we be a team?!" Sally grunted, running besides Y/n. Y/n furrowed their eyebrows, they would be a monster by leaving a kid to fend for themselves in the blood bath behind them. But yet again, Sally was some sadistic little shit. "Fine." Y/n groaned, quickly coming to a pause and let Sally climb onto their back.

"I promise I'll protect you." Sally whispered, burrowing her face into Y/n's neck.


Y/n and Sally sat in the tall Pine tree in silence, cuddling together in the sleeping bag they stole off of Jane when she was off setting up plans with Clockwork. "We're going to die, aren't we?" Sally looked up to Y/n, she had seen who died and imagined herself up in the fake sky. "No, me and you will win." Y/n patted Sally's head, feeling dread in their chest.

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