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Narrators POV

Y/n sat at the kitchen table, fiddling with the shiny blade of they're pocket knife as the moons gaze creeped in through the window.

They were so bored, on Halloween! It didn't even cross they're mind for the party that the others were preparing in the next room, people weren't they're kinda thing...but blood and guts wern't either.

"Mmm.." they groaned, letting their head rest on the marble kitchen table.

"Eh! There they are!" A jolly voice called out, Y/n glanced over to the entry way where the monochrome clown and the small girl were standing. Except, it was Annabelle and Jigsaw.

"Yes, here I am." Y/n huffed, pushing themselves off of the chair and walked over to the two.
"Y/n! Where's your outfit?!" Sally gasped, furrowing her eyebrows as she searched Y/n's usual attire they wore for work.

"It's on...My usual self isn't scary enough hm? Run around town with my ugly ass and it'll do." Y/n chuckled, patting Sally's head before picking her up and into they're arms.

Sally wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck, twirling the teens hair around her inex finger.

"Oh don't say that Y/n, we have to get you ready for the party! I heard there will be some adult drinks as well after the children head to bed..." Jack whispered the last part, grabbing Y/n's  hand and led the two out to the hallway.

"When does the party start?" Y/n asked, to which Sally quickly replied; " in about an hour." Sally chirped, bouncing in Y/n's arms of pure excitement.

Nothing had been so...joyful for the residents of the manner since the last holloween, a night they could be themselves.

"Y/n! You didn't fuckin dress up! You should be a zombie to my cheerleader!" A feminine voice called out from one of the rooms, the trip stopped as Y/n peered into the teenage girls room.

"Oh I'm fine...I'll probably just be..." Y/n gave out a nervous chuckle, shrugging they're shoulders.
"Really Y/n? I better see some blood on your face for the party otherwise your ass is mine!" Nina joked, her smile stretched as she went back to doing her makeup in the mirror.

"Hehe...yeah." y/n smiled, letting Jack drag them and Sally with him down the hallway away from Nina.

"Where's everybody? This is like a first time thing for me...so?" Y/n asked, looking up to Jack as they finally reached the wooden staircase. "Getting ready ofcourse!" Jack grinned, giving Y/n a toothy smile.

They walked more, Sally didn't weigh anything which was good for Y/n.

"Ah! Jane should have something for you!" Jack suddenly passed, turning and  pushed Jane's door in, revealing the  woman and her wife. They sat on the bed, Jane behind Mary as she did her lovers hair.

"Oh! Jack what have I told you about bursting in my room!" Jane scowled, glaring at Jack through her mask. "Sh...Honey, it's okay." Marry calmed her wife, patting her bare shoulder. "Yeah." Jane huffed, seeming more relaxed.

"What do you three need?" Jane asked, observing the trio.

"Y/n needs a costume! They forgot...I assume about the party." Sally filled in the void, jumping out of Y/n's arms and slipped over to Jane and Marry. "Hm..Y/n what were you thinking of going as?" Jane pushed herself off of the bed, her blue overalls  had no wrinkles.

It looked like Jane and Marry were going as Chucky and Tiffany.

"Myself." Y/n stated, taking a step backwards.

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