It Never Ends, huh?

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You walk down the trail that is located close to the mansion, and try to ignore the fact that in some other universe, you're not actually here. But when you rub your hands together, pick at your eyelashes, you know you're physically and maybe mentally there. 

Every change in time was a shift, like reality spinning to readjust itself. In every spin, you were supposed to die or vanish from this life style. And somehow, you're still here. Last year was when the third shift occurred, when you woke up to everyone gone and were forced to go back to your old life. And recently when the fourth shift happened, you were told to go back to the mansion, where everyone was and everything was back to normal.

You were the only one to see the emptiness in the normal, forced to return to you're mother and father, your somehow alive best friend. You can't really remember it, but you know it happened because like this, as you walk, you experienced it. While no one else did.

"Why does no one remember?" You had asked The Slenderman in his office one day. 

"It is none of your concern." He crosses his slim fingers on his desk. "And, you will not get any details from the others. Only confused stares." It was like getting told you were insane, like everything you saw and did, wasn't what was actually happening. 

You nodded.

"Good day, Y/n." 

But now there's blood on your clothes and your close to the proxy cabin, where the others sit and spend their free time. By the skip in their steps behind you, you can guess that it is Jeff coming to scare you. With the loud shout of his voice and his hands on your shoulders, you don't jump or scream. You just stand still, staring ahead.

"What the fuck's your deal lately, dude? You're like a depressed zombie." Jeff's hands slip off of you and go to his pocket to rest, him walking up beside you. 

Your jaw tightens, and you ignore him. You continue to walk, Jeff still following a step behind you. "Did you're victim say something that made you insecure?" He grins, looking you up and down.

"Why would I care about the opinion of someone I'm killing?" You furrow your eyebrows, not bothering to glance at Jeff. The cabin is clear in front of you, and by the time you walk inside, you hope for Jeff to get distracted by someone else.

"I don't know. You're weird, so it's something you'd get offended by." He shrugs.

"You don't know shit about me, only my name and what I look like. Nothing else." You pick up your pace, leaving Jeff behind. You keep your head high, waiting for the cold air of the AC when you step inside the cabin.

You step onto the deck, and grab the metal handle of the door. Pushing open, you sigh and close it behind you. Sliding off your shoes, you hear the telivision playing. "You hungry? Brian's making chili." Tim calls from the couch. 

Looking over at him, he sits on the couch with a book in hand. You shake your head, "I'm fine." 

"You haven't eaten in the past three days, you should at least have some fruit." Your chest burns at Tim's nagging, and are quick to go up the stairs with your bedroom in mind. Tim says something to Brian, but you can't hear it. Your hands ball into fists, and the crusted blood flakes off to the ground. 

If you eat, your body will continue living healthy. But if you don't eat, your body will continue living unhealthy. The fifth shift is bound to happen, you don't know when, but there's no point in putting work into the current life you have if it's going to be completely erased. 

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