// Me cheese grill //

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This is a short skit because I'm not in a suspenseful mood to finish the other chapter so imma give y'all something heart warming for a Friday night...

// YOUR POV //

You stood by the kitchen stove in the proxies cabin as the early Friday night vibes set in, things in the manner were getting to complicated so you and your killer group decided to move out to the original proxy quarters about a mile away in the woods.

You heard the front door slam shut, making you pause on the meal you were stirring by the stove.
Carefully, you removed the wooden spoon from the mixture and set it on a washcloth on the kitchen counter.

"Hello?" You called out, Kate was upstairs sleeping while Toby was upstairs playing videogames online with BEN. Brian was grocery shopping, and Tim didn't say where he was going.

The sweater you wore began to collect your sweat, the shorts/sweats that hung loosely to your legs made you shiver as a cold gush of air sped into the poorly lit kitchen. The stove light was the only source of light, making you squint your e/c eyes at the shadow in the entrance to the kitchen. The cold tiles below your feet made your feet pads grow numb, stepping forward, it smelled heavy of alcohol.

"Y/n...I'm hungy." The shadow groaned, soon displaying a wasted Tim. "Holy shit bro," you wrinkled your nose. "When was the last time you washed that coat of yours?" You gagged.

Suddenly the bear of a man crashed into you, latching onto your shoulders for support. You rose your eyebrow, "Tim? Why the hell do you smell like a g-". "Grilled cheese." The man sniffled, stumbling backwards as his hazel eyes focused on your face.

Where was Brian when you needed him?

"NO YOU FUCKING RETARD! GO TO THE LEFT OF THE FIELD!" Toby screeched from upstairs, making Tim flinch. "Why .. is he so loud?" Tim rose his eyebrow, tightening his grip on your shoulders. "He's a teenage boy, what else would you expect?" You yawned, leading the drunken man to the kitchen stool that was placed by the kitchen counter.

Tim's hand slipped off of your arms and fell to his sides as he sat down, gaining his balance.

"Grill me a cheese." Tim slurred, furrowing his dark eyebrows at you. You giggled at the man's mixed up words, you had never seen Tim display this kind of personality to you.

Only Brian was the flirty and goofy one when drunk.

"I'm not grilling you a cheese." You sighed playfully, your cheeks burned from how hard you tried not to laugh. Tim stared at you for a moment, taking in your painful and harsh words at going against his grilled cheese.

His mouth dropped open as he fell forward, forcing you to hold him up once more.

Muffled sobs came from the man's throat, his tears soaked through the stomach part of your sweatshirt. "I-I just want a cheese...a grill cheese..." He sobbed, burying his face into your stomach. You patted the top of his head, dying of laughter inside.

The door quietly opened and was closed shut from the other room, Brian was home.

"I'm home!" Brian sang, walking into the kitchen.
You couldn't turn to face him due to the fact a man child was clawing onto your shirt for dear life. "Uh, What happened?" Brian walked besides you two, struggling to get Tim off. "They won't make me a cheese...Brian! THEY WONT MAKE ME A CHEESE!" Tim sobbed, pushing her myself up and off of the stool. He faced Brian with tears in his eyes.

"Sshh buddy," Brian bit his bottom lip as he held in a laugh. "You've had a lot'a drinks hm?" Brian patted Tim's shoulder, making Tim shake his head 'no'. "How about you go get Toby and Kate for dinner? You up for that to show your not drunk?" Brian huffed, making Tim grunt, pushing away from his friend and walked to the hallway that led to the stairs.


"He's definitely drunk." Brian crossed his arms over his chest, watching you go back to the dinner you were cooking. "I thought he would be a angry drunk, looks like he's proven me wrong." You chuckled, staring down to the stove. "Your the angry drunk." Brian corrected, leaning in closer to peer into the pot I stirred the meal in.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Magic." You grinned, glancing up at the man.

"TIM GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY RO- *SMACK* AH! YOU HIT ME!" Toby screeched from upstairs, followed with more thumps. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" Kate screamed from her room, making the two men shout back "Sorry's."

That followed with more shouting, Brian's humming as he watched you cook.

When you heard three pairs of footsteps stomp down the stairs, you knew a war was about to start back up again. Toby walked in with his fists balled, his basketball shorts and grey shirt were wet with monster energy drink that Tim must've hit him with. Tim followed, stumbling as he walked.

Kate, Kate looked like she would pull out a shotgun if anyone talked to her.

Everyone got their food and sat down at the kitchen table, Silent. That was untill Tim began humming, a small giggle escaped his lips as everyone looked up from their food to listen to his next up coming words.

Brian glanced over at you, and then Toby knowing that Tim was about to say some out of pocket shit.

Tim looked up from his paper plate, directly looking at Kate from across the wooden table you five sat at.

"I may be drunk, but atleast I'm not a lesbian." Tim half smiled, his eyes shiny while he was on the verge of laughter.

Your eyes followed Tim's stare to Kate's glare, her left eye twitched as a scowl was placed on her lips. You three didn't even see it coming, one second Kate was digging into her sweatpants pocket and the next a pistol was in her hands pointed at Tim.

"I may be a lesbian, but atleast I'm not drunk."




"How was your night?" Brian smirked at Tim, you three leaned against the kitchen counter with your breakfast. Toby was still asleep while Kate was in the living room watching the news.

Tim glared at Brian, and then at me.


"When I know I'm coming back home to you four, I'm never getting drunk again."

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