- Bro, This is My Mission -

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The next morning...


It was like looking in your reflection, everything seemed to be the same, but the shadow that hid behind the person who stood with you in the hall was ten times more alive then yours.

The person across from you stood still, like a statue as they silently looked over your body posture.

They had bruises and scratches that layered their arms and legs, bits of their neck. One thing that stood out, was the cut smile on their cheeks, one side was longer than the other. It was obvious a long and deep story followed these bloody lines.

All you could relate these scars to was...Jeff.

The beings left eye was grey, while their e/c crystal like orb did the work of seeing. Their hair was cut short, as if it was torn out of the scalp, and trimmed with safety scissors.

(Other details about your OC or you, bacically just other details that you or your original character has that you think is important)

An old soul stood Infront of you, a true proxy.

Their lips formed a straight line before they went to speak, I watched them dig their nails into their palms...it looked like their flesh would bleed.

As if they wanted to hold your hand, they reached their scarred arm out. Burns layered their s/c delicate skin.

You looked down, towards the palm of almost you.

"Do not stay, with it. Run,run for change." They whispered, trembled even. Before you could react, the person pulled you into a hug. The last thing you would expect from the off energy of this being.

Their wet cheek was pressed up against yours, their lips at your ear.

"I'm so sorry about the monster we've become."


You quickly opened your eyes, looking around BENs messy room that was layered with millions of different gadgets and systems.

You didn't get much sleep that night, due to you staying up all night playing Mario Bros with BEN trying to push the truth away untill you felt ready to do something about your life.

"...BEN, can I ask you something?" You turned to look at him, setting your controller down onto your lap. "If it doesn't have to do with se-" you slapped your hand against his cold lips before he could speak.

You narrowed your eyes on BEN as you slowly slipped your hand off of his face, his LED lights made his red eyes seem purple. Slowly, the lights seemed to grow dimmer as the sun rose up.

"Why the hell would I even ask you." You sighed, pushing yourself up and off of the bed.

The sun glared in through the far window, wanting you to follow its fresh trail of light.

"Hey! I'm done with the games, okay, what do you need?" BEN looked up at you with a soft gaze, as if he wanted to help. You paused, contemplating if you could actually trust the forever teen.

BEN was the mouth of the house, the eyes of the screens, the ears of all gossip.

Why would you tell him? It was your tired mind that confused you, and now, you were straight.

(Never going to happen).

Atleast you could ask him to come and look in the woods for your so called "relative souls" and that cat named Callie.

Your heart pinged when you thought of the name, and suddenly you could feel the slight sensation of soft furr being pressed up against your palm.

You shivered.

"Y/n? You look like a walking zombie, girl/dude, we gotta get some food into your dead looking ass. I thought Proxies were supposed to be immune to the loss of sleep...looks like I was wrong." BEN chuckled, floating up to follow me to the door.

I only smirked as I opened the door and stepped out into the dark hallway, I could hear Eyeless Jack downstairs making his breakfast before his rounds. The thing about Jack is that he always seemed to like to talk about his diet (only to scare people), but he never ate infront of us.

Only good thing about BEN, is that he makes the best fluffy eggs ever.


"So, what do you need of me?" BEN asked, watching you eat. You looked up from your plate, setting your plastic fork down. "Just to go out to the woods and look for some stuff...people.." You didn't know how to put it.

BEN rose his eyebrow.

"Can't you just do that? Aren't you proxies practically hunting dogs?" BEN laughed, although it really wasn't funny. "My senses aren't really all there yet I guess. Plus, Im definitely not going out there alone knowing my recent luck." You rolled your eyes.

"OOOHHHH, Bro I wish I was there to see that! The big clown himself going to kill someone!" BEN suddenly cheered. You narrowed your eyes on BEN, thinking about how the teen must've been in the other apparent reality.

Probably still a pain in the ass.

"Isn't really that fun when the fuckers trying to eat you." You mumbled, picking at your food. The manner wasn't fully alive yet, everyone was still busy catching their must needed sleep. "I always knew that clown was freaky~" BEN stuck out his tongue. "Oh quit it, we all know he's a scared virgin." You muffled a laugh, getting up from your seat to put your dish in the sink.

"Yeah..." BEN sighed, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand.

"You ever think about it would be like to I don't know...Be someone else? Be...human? Like somethings always itched at me, like there's another person out there...another smoking Hot BEN drowned." You didn't turn around to face the teen, you kept your wide eyes on your hands that were grasped onto the metal of the sink.

You bit down on your bottom lip, things were getting to close...other Y/n was getting to close.


I will update this later...kinda late on the updating process because of my other books.

But quick question, who do you want to go into the woods looking for your soul relatives with and tell them what is actually going on?

1. Jeff

2. Nina

3. Masky

4. Toby

5. Brian



Should I dead ass make a L.J x Reader 💀

It'll only be like fifteen chapters

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