// Swimming in The Cold //

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November 12th 2022

6:00 pm

"The fuck? Brian, It's November we can't go swimming." Y/n spoke, looking over at the man that silently sipped away at his coffee. The manner was quiet for a Saturday, but most of the residents of this manner were out hungover or doing their own weekend shit.

So, it was only Y/n and the proxies home today.

Sally was visiting her childhood home where the new buyers had a little girl, so Sally took that as a chance to make a new friend other then sitting at the Mansion all day trying to get Y/n to play or do something with her.

"The lake is always warm, never gets cold." Brian stated, setting down his mug onto the marble table with a small CLINK.

"Right, Brian we're up north, it's practically winter...but whatever you say big guy." Y/n muttered, they were bored, so they were taking the bait of Brian's idea. "If you don't want to come that's fine, me and the others will just go." Brian sighed, now this caught Y/n's attention. "Fine! I'll go." Y/n huffed, pushing themselves out of their seat and watched Brian get up as well.

"Good, couldn't have our fun of the party staying at home." Brian chuckled, walking over to the sink and set the mug inside. "Go up to your room and get dressed, be down in thirty." Brian turned to Y/n, meeting their tired eyes.


Once Y/n ran through the halls, entering their dirty/clean room they began digging through their closet. "Shit! I don't have a pair of swimming trunks/ a swim suit!" Y/n scowled at themselves, looking around they finally came across a pair of what they were looking for, hanging off of the desk at the far side of the room.

"Uh...how did they get here?" Y/n raised their eyebrow, inspecting the clothes. "I swear to God if Jeff borrowed these again for some wack ass party I'm going to beat his ass." Y/n muttered, and began to undress.


They looked at themselves in the mirror, feeling pride in their body for once.

"Damn! Missions really got me built!" Y/n smirked, looking over their frame. "Um, Y/n?" Someone called from the door, making Y/n's eyes widen in embarrassment. Tim stood at the door with a puzzled look, secretly trying to hold back a laugh.
"What?" Y/n asked awkwardly, grabbing a sweatshirt off the ground and slid it on quickly.

"You ready? You've been checking yourself out for a bit." Tim chuckled, he didn't even wait for Y/n and closed the door, walking away. "Damn pest." Y/n muttered, lazily swiping a pair of leggings/jeans off of the floor.


Time Skip


Y/n hugged themselves as they walked, it was colder than hell out in the woods as the proxies walked down to the lake.

Toby on the other hand was only in his black swimming trunks, walking ahead of the bunch going on and on about how "it's warm out and your just pussies." Tim had on his blue jeans and a brown cozy sweater, a Mark Twain book under his arm. He wasn't going to swim he said, didn't feel like it.

Brian had on blue jeans as well, what the fuck is it with them and blue jeans? Anyways, and had on a grey sweatshirt. His jeans looked weird with his swim trunks on underneath, but it was funny.

Kate stayed in the back with Y/n, her black leggings and white sweatshirt hung loosely to her frame as she observed the forest around her. She wasn't going to swim, she was going to go out looking for dear.

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