// Children Scare Me //

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"I turned the creepypastas into children."

The Slenderman rose from his desk, 'Looking' down on his newest proxy and the twelve year old Tim that stood by Y/n's side. "Hold on, speak those words to me in a moment." The creature, stated, gliding off to the balcony on the far side of the room.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH" a animalistic scream was heard from the creature, making Y/n's face recoil in fear as Tim just stared blankly at the creature.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" The Slenderman screamed as he turned to face the proxies, his hands clawing as his head. "Kage was running with one of your positions during dinner, and I tried stopping him but instead the glass broke and the fumes Infected everybody." Y/n looked down, biting on their lower lip knowing they were fucked.

"Yup! All thanks to Y/n." Tim glared up at Y/n his voice having a bit of a a squeak. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously." Y/n stiffled a laugh.

"Okay,...you both know I hate children so I expect for you two to turn everyone back into...their normal selves." The Slenderman stated, crossing his arms behind his back. "Yessir." The two proxies agreed, bowing their heads.

Once the two were out, Tim started scolding at Y/n.

"You dumb loser! How do you think all of them are going to stay locked in the living room?" Tim growled as they arrived to the large doors that led to the living room. Fighting and yelling were heard from the other side, making the two give out sighs.

"I don't think that, but I also don't wanna have my ass on a damn platter." Y/n spat, reaching out for the door only for it to be swung open. A ten year old Brian stood their, grabbing their arms and pulling the two other proxies into the room of ruckus.

"what the actual duck happened?!" Brian whispered, eyeing the two older ones. Y/n snorted at Brian replacing "fuck" with "duck".

"Um, Kage and Y/n happened." Tim scoffed, walking away to the couch where a five year old Puppeteer and Bloody Painter sat with a three year old Judge Angels. A six year old Jeff was cornering a five year old  BEN, a four year old Nina and Toby into a corner while a eleven year old Jane was sitting against the television with Sally. Sally didn't change, she was still her usual self.

"I can't do this, I mentally can't do this." Y/n stared wide eyed at the creepypastas, All expect for Kage who was hiding under the couch while giggling.

Unfortunately, his legs were poking out.

"You little shit." Y/n growled, holding the seven year old creepypasta by their leg upside down.
"Kekeke, you shoulda saw youra face when you walked in!" Kage laughed, holding his stomach.

Y/n dropped the child onto the couch, landing besides the other children.

"EVERYONE! PAUSE!" "Y/n shouted, making the room go silent. Brian stood by Y/n's side along with a ten year old Kate, both sticking close to the one in charge. "Why should we listen to you?" Jeff scoffed, the butcher knife looked so big in his small hands.

"You listen here Mr. To-good-for-shit, if I hear you peep or say anything that's disrespectful to me again i'll spank your ass. You got me?" Y/n stomped over to Jeff, grabbing his collar and brought him up to their face. "Your goofy looking." Jeff giggled, smiling. Y/n bit down on their tongue, glaring at the smiling child.

"Brian! Kate! Tim! I trust you three to go to Splendors room to find that damn position to turn these creeps back, do it as fast as possible." Y/n stated, dropping Jeff onto his bum and eyed the three proxies. "Hey! What about me?!" Toby rose from the corner, his eyebrows furrowed. "Sure, you can go as well Toby ." Y/n sighed, helping Jeff to his feet and patted his head.

"Meanie." Jeff muttered, not noticing that Y/n snatched his knife. "Okay, everyone stay in this room while the proxies go and get your guys's presents!" Y/n clapped, walking over to the couch and sat down in-between the children.

"Mrs/Mr. Y/n? What happened?" Sally whispered as she took a seat besides the teen, looking up at them. "Just some inconveniences." Y/n glared up at Kage who was on the ceiling, intentionally slobbering and was creating a puddle of spit by the doors.

"Oh." Sally murmured, her focus went to the television that was now playing 'Happy Tree Friends'. The others all sat around the couch, almost hypnotized to the T.V.

Suddenly there was a techno like giggle in Y/n's left ear, making them quickly turn to their left to be faced with BEN. "What?!" Y/n asked annoyed, grabbing BEN and set him on their lap. "Nothin." BEN yawned, laying back onto Y/n's chest.

The creepypastas sat like that, watching the show that was definitely not PG-13.


~Time Skip~

Elmo's world is 100% anything and everything.

"WE HAVE IT!" Toby screeched, running into the Living room with a purple solution. Tim and Brian along with Kate followed behind, Brian giggling.


I'll continue this later

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