- Blood of The Tiger -

49 2 0

JANUARY 21ST, 2023


6 : 34 PM


// YOUR POV //

You and Masky walked silently throughout the woods, you wouldn't tell him where you were leading him.

"Is this where you kill me or some shit? Where are you taking me?" He questioned behind you.
"No." You whispered, stuffing your hands deeper into your coat. You had one place in mind;

The abandoned park.

"Whats with the pissy attitude, huh?" Masky began to walk in sync with you, eyeing your emotionless face. You bit down on your bottom lip, keeping your eyes locked with the white trees ahead.

"Ignoring me now? You know what," Masky stopped walking, but your continued forward as you could feel something waiting ahead. "Where the hell are ya going!" Masky shouted.

Your nose wrinkled, your face formed a scowl.

"Shut. Up." You quietly hissed, snapping your neck in his direction. In the distance, movement was heard along with the soft sound of rusty swing chains going against eachother.

Now, your proxy senses kicked in.

You motioned for Masky to follow you, and which he silently agreed to. The closer you came down hill, the more clearly you could see the abandoned playset where you and Jeff had originally ran into the white feline.

Slowly, you got down on your hands and knees and began to crawl through the brush, trying to stay stealth. Your could hear Masky grumble a curse as he got down on his hands and knees as well.

Cats could hear very well, and they could also see very well...what advantages did you have?

You tilted your head eyeing the white tail that stuck out from from underneath the red and rusty slide, bits of the tail were bare with scratches.

You adjusted your breathing, even though you could feel your palms and knees grow numb, you continued to crawl closer and closer to the slide.


You cringed, hearing Masky curse behind you.

Instantly you glared back at him for being clumsy.

As you turned your head to look back at the slide, you were caught off guard, speechless.

Your e/c eyes met with two pairs of a redish pink, blood stained teeth were displayed as the beasts lip was pulled back in a snarl. The two heads on the Felines large body were magestic, beautiful.

The eyes, now that you recognized them, you couldn't help yourself but to stand up onto your knees. You kept your posture straight, ignoring everything around you, besides the Snow White creature.

"Callie..." You reached out your hand, your fingers twitched in the cold. The Felines gaze hardened at the name, its ears went backwards. A low growl was heard from the muzzle.

"It's...Callie, baby?" You whispered, keeping your guard up. You stared into the eyes of the feline, repeating its name over and over silently in your mind.  The Cat's heads tilted, it's body, the size of a male lion slowly became less tense. It stalked closer, taking in your smell.

"Y/n...don't...come here now." Masky whispered behind you, his hand was latched tight on your shoulder in distress.

You closed your eyes, taking in the noises of the woods. Slowly, the sensation of soft furr spread in your bare palm. A low sound, growling?


A smile bloomed on your face, before you could open your eyes, you were tackled to the forest floor in a giant hug with the large feline. It let out a roar of joy, happiness.

But, Masky didn't know this.

As you were taking in the affection from your unknown soul relative, Masky was registering if his partner was in danger.

He stumbled backwards, eyeing the closest large branch near. He quickly grabbed it, holding it firm in his strong and large hands, molded perfectly for deathly impact.

Masky used all of his force, raising the large and thick branch up and over his head, and brought it down onto the back of the feline that was indulging you with love.

You watched your now, large baby's red eyes widen in pain, it's large maw widen as a blood curdled roar was let out.

Suddenly, you realized you were in danger as blood dripped off of the lions large tongue and onto your numb cheek.

The powerful beast didn't look at you with anger, with a deathly glare, it looked at your so loved partner.

You watched as It slowly stepped away from you, eyeing it's new found prey. Masky held the bloodied branch over his head, his mask was crooked displaying his snarl.

Masky was a killer, You were a killer, The beast was a killer.

Even that name didn't protect you from death, it gave you more of a right to be served it.



Shit about to get real

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