// yo yo yo gimme yo green //

74 4 5

I'm growing brain dead uh ye

I have a band concert TMW


"So you know," Helen let his arm rest on the kitchen counter, his notebook held tight under his opposite arm. You looked over at him, Eyeing him as you did your best not to tell him to go "fuck yourself, this is my pot".

It'd been awhile since Jeff let you "borrow" out of his stash for stuff in exchange.

"I know what." You plainly spoke, bringing the joint up to your mouth, setting the end to flames with your (themed) lighter. Hellen licked his lips, he obviously wasn't having a good time with speaking.

When did he ever have a good time with speaking?

"Oh! Do You want to see my drawing? I drew it last night..." He trailed off, his black hair covered his eyes as he quickly opened his notebook and set it onto the white marbled (marble hornets hehe) counter.

Your curiosity got the better of you, bringing the joint away from your mouth you turned to look down at the colored page.

Your f/c tank top and f/c boxers hung loosely to your body, even for a winter night it was still cold as hell in the mansion.

Your f/c tank top and f/c boxers hung loosely to your body, even for a winter night it was still cold as hell in the mansion

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Your eyes rested on it for a bit, taking it all in.

Why'd he draw Jeff shirtless.

"Hellen are you ga-" you were about to flatly ask, well before Smile and Nina came crashing into the kitchen. "Slow down you dumb dog!" Nina groaned, you and Hellen turned to face the two as Smile went to town at his dog kibble...and hand that one of the Jack's had placed in his tray.

"Hey guys!" Nina smiled, putting up smiles leash.

"Bye guys!" Nina smiled, speed walking out, trying not to draw Smiles attention.

Hellen turned around back to his sketchbook, waiting for you too as well. "Oh, uh sorry." You muttered, turning back to look at it. Your eyes were starting to burn, the colors we're beginning to mix.

"What do you think of it?" Hellen Whispered, why was he asking for your approval? This bitch didn't even like you! He didn't like anyone! Only Judge Angels and she was gone for the week up in Toronto Canada!

"It tastes pretty good."

Hellen paused, looking at you threw his eyelashes.


"Would you like me to paint you?" He went back to that tone, ugh, why did every killer guy talk like that when they wanted something?

"Sure." You smiled.

"Also, in exchange, I was wondering if you could ask Jeff for some of his gree-" And he then, was cut off.


The motherfucker just teleported onto the kitchen table behind the two of you, and once you turned to face him, you regretted it.

"GOOGOOGLYGOOGOOOGLYGOO!" He screeched, snapping his neck sideways as he elevated.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Hellen roared, quickly snatching his notebook and chucked it at BEN.

Causing the green thing to fall onto the ground.

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