// The Goods //

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The proxies play around on stage after a mission:

"try a bite of spaghetti!" Brian smiled, shoving a plate of cold noodles into Toby's face. "Looks like the creepypastas ready!" Toby went to grab it, but Brian snatched it back. "Stop it Toby I'm done with the joking!" Brian shouted, tossing the plate off stage.

"Seems like somebody's funny bones broken." Toby muttered, walking off only to get pulled back. "We, can relate to your determination ! We killers have our motivation! I am the master mind," Brian held Toby in a head lock, "and he's my accomplice." Brian smirked, and lights went to the curtain behind them.

"Your only still alive because I made a promise." Masky growled, wiping the remaining blood off of his mask.


"Woo hoo! Nice!" Y/n cheered, sitting in the front row of the auditorium.


Okay, now to the real chapter.


November 15th, 2022

Your POV

"You guys know Martha from that one kids show?" I called out, dangling my legs on the side of the couch.

"What?" BEN looked up from his computer, a puzzled look on his cold face. "Nevermind, just thinking of some old stuff." I muttered, switching my attention back to the television.

Jeffs snoring made its way into my ears, besides the fact that he was sitting right next to me sleeping on the couch.

"Oh my fucking God shut up!" I groaned, grabbing a grey pillow off the carpet and covered Jeff's face with it. "Ah! You bitch! You wanna kill me?!" Jeff shouted, pushing the pillow off and at my face.

Yeah Jeff, I would just love to kill your crusty ass.

"Why would I want to do that? We're besties right?" I growled sarcastically, slumping back into the couch. "Yeah...heh, we're besties." Jeff grumbled, pushing himself off of the couch and stumbled over to the kitchen.

"Hey, BEN, where's his stash? Y'know...the goods?" I whispered, leaning over closer to the link. He looked up at me with an annoyed expression, one thing you don't do is talk with other residents of the manner in the morning.
"Why the hell would I tell you?" BEN whispered, now I could tell that he wanted something in return.

"Bitch? I literally go to the grocery store for you almost every week to get you fruit loops." I scoffed, sitting up straight on the couch. "And? You don't have to y'know." BEN scoffed, going back to his coding thing in his computer.

"Okay, I see how it is green bean." I muttered, pushing myself off of the couch. I looked down on his computer, I didn't feel like being a nuisance today but oh well. I snatched the computer out of his hands and sprinted off to the stairs, a small smile on my face. "Hey! NO BRO I DIDN'T MEAN IT YOU CAN STILL BUY ME FRUIT LOOPS!" BEN called after me, from the sound of it he was right behind me.

We past by several people, well ran into several people.

E.J, he only hissed at me.

Tim, he punched my shoulder as I ran off.

And Offender Man, which I made sure to hit it extra hard off of the balcony of the stairs.

The last person we ran into were Slender, we spilled his cup of newly made tea so he went ape shit.

"Bro, I can't run anymore...shit." BEN huffed, making me come to a stop. Looking behind myself, he wasn't on his knees like I intended him to be but instead he pounced at me and tackled me to the carpeted floor.

"N-No! Y-you mother-" I struggled to get the link off of me, "Don't touch my shit again!" BEN huffed, standing up as his legs stood on both sides of my hips. Some of the blood from his eyes got on my new shirt, but It was bound to get bloody soon.

"Fine, Fine, go watch porn or some shit just let me get up." I muttered, once he took a step backwards I didn't hesitate to stand back up and dash for the proxies quarters only a few doors down.


"Daddies home!" I gasped, my eyes caught Toby's as he sat at the desk near the window playing cards with Kate and Brian. "What?" Brian yawned, looking over at me as I walked up to them.

"Nothing..." I sighed, looking over their game.

Pulling over a rolling chair, I sat in between Kate and Brian as I slowly began to join the game of cards.

This is how a normal morning goes at the slenderdics manner.


I decided to write something down at give it to y'all because I have nothing to do today.

My brownies are gone now :(

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