// The Basement //

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"JEFF LET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING CAGE!" You screamed, pounding on the old wooden door. It smelled musty in the pitch black room, who knew what happened down here.

"Ah-ah-ah! Whats the password?" Jeff's words were muffled, but it was clear he was enjoying this aswell as BEN and Jack who stood on the opposite side of the door with him.



Five hours earlier


You, Jeff, Jack and BEN sat together in the living room. It was a slow day, no one was home besides the other residents who needed to catch up on sleep.

The television played on low volume as Jeff was watching Jerry Springer, muttering to himself who was and wasn't the father.

Quietly, The eyeless killer scanned the room, humming quietly to himself as boredom ate away at him.

"Y'know. Y/n has never seen the basement." This statement made you freeze, and slowly turn your head to look at the eyeless being.

"I think that's a good thing." You stated.

"Hm, I think you would like it down there. All the cool shit to look at..." Jeff hummed, obviously trying to persuade you to go down to the the basement.

"And, There are still skeletons down there!" BEN smirked, making Jeff and E.J glare at him.

You narrowed your eyes on the three, tapping your finger to your knee. As being a proxy for a year, and living in this fucked up mansion you learned wether or not things were a good idea.


If you knew what was a good idea, your dumbass wouldn't have responded to BENs text three years ago from this present chapter 🤧


"Fine. You don't have to go down there, since your just a pussy." E.J chuckled, resting his cheek on his knuckle.

"Hell with that man, Fuck it. Where's the basement." You growled, pushing yourself up and out of your chair.

"This way." BEN gestured as he began to float, towards the door that was underneath the stairs.

"Hey bro, Y'know how you had to have something really traumatizing happen to you and thats how you can float. Why can't I float too? I'm traumatized and yet im still on the ground like a bitch." You looked up to BEN as you two "walked" besides eachother.

"Your just a bitch. So either way you can't earn my godly powers." BEN sung, brushing a blond lock of hair out of his vision.

E.J walked ahead to the door, opening it for your posse if killers. "Well, Y/n you go first." E.J tilted his head, motioning towards the open door that led to ominous darkness.

For a moment, you just stared down on the old wooden stairs. "You guys do know that I know you guys a serial killers, right. So like, I know that you can kill people. And I know this is probably one of your methods of leading your victims to death." You muttered, looking up to the three.

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