// what is that //

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Somewhere in Slenderman's woods...

Y/n walked along the Snowy path while Jeff and Toby walked behind them, arguing about some lame shit that made Y/n's boredom even worse.

"What? I'm just saying, I think we should kick Kage out of the house, he's been making waaayyy to much conflict and that's been getting on everyone's nerves." Toby huffed, walking up besides Y/n, trying to escape Jeff's opinion.

Y/n's f/c work sweatshirt was definitely not warm enough to be worn in the morning, especially in the end of fall. Their eyebrows were furrowed as their boots replaced the many animal tracks below their path.

"I think we should just kick you out." Jeff muttered from behind, his white sweatshirt didn't keep him warm as well. His black hair was stuck against his forehead and the back of his neck as the black stocking hat kept it together, in Y/n's opinion it just looked goofy.

"Can you guys please shut the fuck up? Damn no wonder the boss never has you two together for scouting." Y/n growled, the eight pages in their front pocket were getting crinkled by the second.

And the boss wanted his petite papers perfect.

"Hm, what's your say, Y/n?" Jeff rose his dark eyebrow as he walked up besides Y/n, catching Tobys glare. "I don't have a say in this bullshit, so just drop it, it's not like Slenders going to listen to you dimwits." Y/n was not in a good mood, why?


Y/n screeched, the people who swarmed the kitchen froze as Y/n's sudden scream made everyone wake up. E.J slowly backed out of the kitchen, the lucky charms piled up in his claw like hands began to fall out and onto the floor.

Y/n's eyes scanned the kitchen and landed on Jack, Y/n's usual smile and laughter was gone for today.

"Oh you little!" Y/n roared, jumping across the table, but luckily Tim was in the way to catch their fall...well be what they fell on.


"Y/n's right." Toby stated, smirking at Jeff.

"Whatever." Jeff muttered.

The trio continued to walk down the path, randomly placing the crinkled up papers on near by trees.

"Okay, last one, I'll put this one over-" Y/n paused, catching themselves from falling after tripping on something.

Looking down, an animal skull was placed in the snow.

"Oh wow, what do you guys think this is?" Y/n asked, squatting down to observe the object.

"Probably racoon." Jeff spoke, looking down on the skull as well.

"You think everything is racoon." Toby pushed by Jeff to see the skull, "hm, I don't know...maybe fox?" Toby muttered, kneeling down besides Y/n and began to touch on the teeth. "You two are like a couple of damn Pre Schoolers." Jeff scoffed, but that didn't hide his curiosity.

"Brian would know what this is." Y/n yawned, pushing themselves up and shivered as a cold breeze flew by. "Yeah, just like he knows his snakes...and got bit by a 'not venomous' snake and then his arm went numb for the rest of the week." Jeff chuckled, Y/n held back a hilarious memory of Brian and the snake.

Brian's eyes went wider than Jeff's when that snake bit him.

Toby picked the skull up and put it closer to his face, soon a smirk came under his mask.

He quickly shoved it up to Y/n's face and began talking in a high pitched voice; "Look! I'm Mr'a Skull! I eat babies!"

He quickly shoved it up to Y/n's face and began talking in a high pitched voice; "Look! I'm Mr'a Skull! I eat babies!"

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I found the skull while hunting and began talking to it

My grandpa thinks I'm crazy now lmao


Side skit;

"Wh-what did you do?!" Jane screamed, her face stained with tears as her eyes were glued to Jeff's new, deformed face.

"Idk?" Jeff shrugged his shoulders.

"YOU BURNDT MY HOUSE TO THE GROUND!" Jane roared, running after him as the sound of police sirens filled the sky as the house fire only grew larger.

"Lol, YOLO!" Jeff flipped his wrist.

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