// Strike Out //

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On a cloudy afternoon, The proxies decided to spend their Sunday doing something other than sitting around at the Manner...

// Your POV //

You looked out the car window, Toby ranting besides you on how the last time he went bowling he was the "W"... whatever the fuck that meant.

"K people, we're here." Brian smiled, parking in the front of the bowling alley. The van came to a stop as Brian slid the keys into his jeans pocket and looked back on you five with a smile. Tim sat in the passengers seat, Passed out.

"Bro all of you are going down." BEN bragged from the back, "Yeah right, I'm the fuckin champ at this shit." Jeff spat back, loud in your ear. You and the proxies technically didn't allow the two killers to come, but they managed to hide in the back of the van so that just fucked up everything.

You unbuckled and slid up the leather seat so you could stretch, glancing over at Kate. She showed pure boredom, Everyone was in their "normal" forms thanks to Trender being a Queen at make up. Jeff looked like your everyday goth boy, BEN was a some fucking stoner looking guy. Kate, she was normal Kate. Tim and Brian were the old couple that were from the 2000's, and Toby was that one boy you wished you were on TikTok.

You, you were just Y/n.

"Hm," Tim yawned, stretching and looked around. "We're here?" He asked Brian, earning a
'mhm'.  "Tim you totally missed the Lana Del Ray concert we went to!" You groaned, everyone managed to shut up at your words. "Huh?" Tim turned in his seat to look back at you, raising his eyebrow. "Me and Brian made sure to lock the car so you didn't get kidnapped though." You smiled.

"Y/n I think it's time to get you on those meds again." BEN spoke from the back, making you scoff. "Shut the fuck up Travis, are we doing this or what?" You looked back at the blonde headed boy.

"Hell yeah!" Toby cheered, leaning over you and swung the van door open. The brown haired boy quickly grabbed you by your hand and pulled you out, leading you through the parking lot and rain to the Bowling Alleys entrance.

It was cold, the sky was grey with rain clouds.

You two stood there under the shelter waiting for the others, "Bitch." Toby mouthed as Tim and Brian arrived first. "Motherfucker." You mouthed back with a smirk, making Toby giggle. "Cut it out you two." Tim huffed, walking in as he gestured for the rest of us to follow.

"Get ready to get fucked CP/n!" Jeff grinned as he passed by you with BEN, flipping you off. You had a dirty come back, but there were two ten year olds by your side so you couldn't say the shit you were going to spit back. "Y/n, you ready to have fun?" A feminine voice spoke by your side, glancing over, Kate looked over at you with a small smile on her pink lips.

"Yeah, you?" You smiled back, she nodded her head yes and walked ahead leaving you to look around at the neon lights for yourself.

As your group came to the register in the front of the complex, you managed to slip up by Tim and Brian. "Timotee, can I get candy?" You looked over at him as he dug in his old wallet, fishing for a thirty. "Not right now." He muttered. "Later, Okay?" Brian smiled, resting his hand on your shoulder as he stood by your side.

You only rolled your eyes.

Jeff and BEN were down the isle at a Table with Toby and Kate getting on their shoes, leaving you to get the candy from the money makers. "So, Brian..." Your eyes rested on the large bag of favorite candy on the shelf above the two of you. You rose your arm up and rested your cold hand on his shoulder giving him a smile, "if I beat your sorry ass in a game of bowling then, How about you get be that bag of fav candy?"

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