Imbalance of Mood

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"Sorry it's not much but it seems Walter and Zayne outgrew their baby toys," Mel apologized, dropping off a bag full of toys. Patting the pug on the shoulder reassuringly, Max replied, "It's fine Mel, thank you."

"Sonya and I got you guys some pillows for nap time," Buddy piped up, his voice muffled by the bag he was carrying. His girlfriend Sonya carried another right beside him. Grateful for the gifts, Max directed his friends to a nearby table as he stated, "Thanks guys, go ahead and put them over there please."

"Of course Max," Mel replied cheerfully, picking up his bag. The pug led his best friend and his sister over to the table just as Chloe took their place at Max's side. "Nice baby shower," the gray tabby mumbled quietly. Smiling briefly, Max murmured, "Thanks. You seem tired Chloe, you didn't have to come."

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I need to get out more anyway," Chloe muttered, flicking her tail. Looking around, she asked, "I am hungry though, where's the food?" Max pointed towards the snack table. Thanking him, the tabby left.

Sighing softly, Max stood up and walked around the room. Duke, Snowball and Chloe had decided to throw him and Gidget a surprise baby shower. The terrier and the Pomeranian had not expected to come back from their date to see balloons and decorations all over Gidget's apartment. However, it was nice and so far there hadn't been any problems.

"Hey Tiny Dog," Snowball piped up, announcing his presence. Turning around, Max almost jumped out of his skin when he saw the rabbit's black eye. Standing next to him, Ozone had a bloody nose. "What the- what happened to you guys?!" the Jack Russell terrier demanded, horrified. He thought they had gotten into a street brawl or something. Rubbing his head, Snowball answered, "Your girlfriend happened."

"You guys got too close, didn't you?" Max guessed, raising an eyebrow. Both Snowball and Ozone shook their heads. While the cat left to go grab some ice, the rabbit took the dog aside and explained, "She said we were breathing too loud and then got mad and threw punches."

"Well, thank god we haven't done something as offensive as that!" Duke remarked, entering the apartment with Sky. Turning to his brother, the Newfoundland mix recalled, "The other day we were on opposite sides of the couch and she said we were sitting too close to her."

"Guys, relax. This is just her pregnancy hormones. It'll pass once the puppies are born," Max told everyone. Scoffing, Snowball muttered, "Says the guy with a broken paw." Biting his lip, Max glanced down at his right paw, which was in a cast. A week ago he forgot to bring strawberries and as a result Gidget accidentally broke his paw. Waving it off, he stated, "It's nothing."

"A hormone imbalance is not nothing. Fortunately, I have the perfect gift for you guys. I was saving it for Curly Hair's birthday but it'll work on you and Puffball too," Pops chimed in, holding up a pair of scissors threateningly. Looking Max dead in the eye, the old basset hound went on, "I never ever want to deal with Puffball's hormone imbalance ever again."

"In other words, don't get her pregnant again. Please Max," Snowball begged, gratefully taking the ice pack from Ozone. Perched atop the rabbit's head, Sweetpea chirped something very harsh. Everyone gasped in horror before Duke barked, "Sweetpea, language! There are kids here!"

"Guys, it's not that bad, I promise! Look, I'm gonna talk with Gidget right now and she's gonna be nice," Max informed the group, walking away. Sure, his paw was broken because of his girlfriend. But she wasn't that moody, right? Heading into her owners' bedroom, he found Gidget laying in her basket with a very tired looking Tiberius on the floor beside her. Trotting up to them, Max remarked, "Ha, I knew the others were being ridiculous. She's being nice to you."

"Correction, she's forcing me to take a nap," Tiberius muttered, struggling to stay awake. Gently head butting her best friend, Gidget growled, "You need a nap. When was the last time you actually had a good night's sleep?!" Huffing, the old hawk rested his head on the pillow provided for him. Satisfied, Gidget's mood lightened up as she turned to Max and quipped, "What's up Maxie?"

"Uh, not much. I heard you beat up Snowball and Ozone," Max stuttered, slightly unnerved by the sudden mood change. Literally a minute ago Gidget was ready to make some heads roll. Now she was being her usual happy self. Shaking off his nerves, he sat down beside the basket and asked, "How are you feeling today?"

"Hungry for strawberries," Gidget replied, wagging her tail. Sighing heavily, Max mumbled, "Of course." He shuddered at the memory of his paw breaking. The Jack Russell terrier was about to get up and grab the desired fruit when Chloe piped up, "I've got some."

"Thank you," Max replied, glancing over his shoulder to see Chloe, Snowball and Duke in the room. Seeing the black eyed rabbit, Gidget looked away and mumbled, "Um, sorry Snowball." Waving it off, the bunny replied, "Oh it's nothing. My fault honestly." Towering over everyone, Duke asked, "When are the puppies coming? They should've been here by now."

"Duke, chill. They'll come when they're ready-" Max was interrupted by a gasp from Gidget. Whirling around, the terrier asked, "Gidget, are you okay?"

"Max..." Gidget rasped, drawing in shaky breaths, "I think they're coming right now..."

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