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Her ears perking up when she heard jangling keys, Chloe lifted her head from the pillow. Sounds like Suzan was coming home at last. Huffing, the tabby was about to go back to sleep when the door opened and Suzan called out, "Chloe! I got you a friend!"

"Aunt Chloe!" Cleo's voice cried. Her eyes snapping open, Chloe meowed, "Cleo! Is that you?!" Jumping off the couch, the gray tabby cat actually ran to the front door. Sure enough, there was the fluffy white puppy squirming around in Suzan's arms. The lady set the pup down, freeing her. Bounding up to her aunt, the child hugged the feline as she yipped, "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Huh, I'm surprised you actually get along with dogs," Suzan remarked.


"Dad, Alfred's coming up," Phoenix whispered, shaking his dad awake. Groaning, Tiberius murmured, "What do you mean?" Helping their father up to his feet, Tobias added, "He's got Talon with him." Fully awake now, the old red tailed hawk muttered, "What now?"

"Uncle Tiberius!" Talon barked, announcing his presence. The hawk family was now joined in the shed by the pup and Alfred. Slowly kneeling down, the old man stated, "Hey boys, I got y'all a friend." With that, he set the puppy down. Running up to his uncle immediately, Talon cried, "It's so good to see you again."

"Yeah, same here kiddo," Tiberius purred, ruffling the puppy's head.


"Molly! We have a surprise for you!" Molly's mother called out. The young girl and her bunny rabbit looked up from their homework and carrot respectively. Coming out into the kitchen with big smiles on their faces, the dad held up a fluffy mass as he exclaimed, "Happy birthday baby girl!"

"A puppy! Snowball, look! We have a puppy!" Molly squealed, jumping up from the table. She rushed over and graciously took the wriggling puppy. It was at this moment Snowball realized he knew this kid. "Luke!" the rabbit cried, outstretching his arms. He was ready for a hug. Set down by Molly, Luke howled, "Uncle Snowball!"

"Hey big guy- WOAH!" Snowball shouted as he was suddenly tackled by the fluffy puppy.

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