Told Ya

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"Bye boys, I'll see ya tonight," Katie called, leaving for the day. Max and Duke barked a farewell to their owner, saddened that she had to go. Just then, the door reopened as Katie poked her head in and grabbed her phone from off a nearby table. "I'm always forgetting this thing..." she mumbled, shutting the door once more.

"Poor Katie, always forgetting her phone," Duke remarked, shaking his head in pity. He looked over at Max to see if he would agree. However, the terrier just stared at his food bowl. "Max, I guarantee you, Gidget is fine. She's probably gonna show up at any moment!" Duke exclaimed.

Not even three seconds after Duke said those words, Gidget appeared at the window, tail wagging. "Gidget!" Max cried, rushing over to his girlfriend. Rolling his eyes, Duke mumbled, "Told ya."

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