The Girlfriend

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Surprised yet speechless, Gidget peered around Chloe to get a better look at Leonard's girlfriend. Olivia was a young and beautiful basset hound. Her green eyes flashed in the sunlight. Along her back were brown and black spots. Her forehead and floppy ears were chestnut brown. However, there was a white spot just above her right eye. Her tail, completely white with a black tip, wagged as she met everyone's gaze.

"Hi there guys. I've heard so much about all of you," Olivia spoke. Leonard's tail wagged at the sound of her voice. Oh Leonard, the arrow of love has indeed hit you, Snowball thought quietly, smirking at the poodle. Just then, Pops arrived at the window.

"Sorry I'm late, I-" Pops began to say. However, he stopped when he saw Olivia. "Uh, Olivia, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the apartment. And what's wrong with Curly Hair?" the old basset hound mumbled. Clearing his throat, Duke asked, "Pops, you know Olivia?"

"Of course I do," Pops replied, adding, "She's my granddaughter."

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