Down in the Dump

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Paws silent on the cool pavement, Ozone shivered slightly in the early February morning. It had only been two days since Duke and Sky shared the great news. The hairless cat was happy for them, but he couldn't help feeling just a tiny bit jealous towards the future parents. Sighing, he sat down beside a green dumpster in a dark alley. Curling his long tail around his paws, he gazed quietly up at the gray clouds passing overhead.

"I miss you Lily," Ozone whispered, his big green eyes brimming with tears. Quickly, he wiped them away before any passerby saw him crying. The hairless cat also didn't want them frozen to his face. Sighing sadly, he remembered how the orange tabby he had fallen in love with had sacrificed herself to save him, getting in between him and Danger's death blow. Just mere moments before she died, Lily had admitted to Ozone that she had feelings for him.

Heart aching with memories and his mind swirling with thousands of wishes that would never come true, Ozone got to his paws to leave the dark alley, only to bump into someone...

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