Preparing for Adoption Day

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"Daddy, what's going on?" Sammy asked, his head swiveling back and forth as he watched Emily, Robert and Katie rush around. The humans were grabbing all of the toys and pillows that belonged to the puppies. They were setting up a play area for the pups, complete with blankets and the basket.

Max sighed quietly and looked over at Sammy. He and Gidget had not explained to any of the pups what was about to happen. They were scared to tell them. Any parent would be if they had to tell their child that they were going away and might not ever see them again. It was never an easy thing to do but Max knew that it had to be done. Clearing his throat, the terrier murmured, "Gather up your siblings, your mom and I will explain everything."

"Okay..." Sammy mumbled nervously, frightened. The puppy slunk off to grab his brothers and sisters. At the same time, Gidget came over. "I overheard my owners talking with yours," she whispered, "Mine are thinking about keeping Snowy. And it sounds like Katie might take one as well." Nodding his head in understanding, Max replied, "Sammy is getting the others. We have to tell them what's going on."

"Right," Gidget rasped, lowering her gaze. Just then, Sammy returned with his brothers and sisters. All five sat down in front of their parents, looking up at them expectantly. "Mommy, Daddy," Sammy said quietly, "What's going on?"

"Kids, do you remember when we told you about adoption?" Gidget asked. When the puppies nodded their heads, Max chimed in, "Well, there's a lot of loving families out there who are looking for a great puppy like yourselves."

"You mean... we're being taken away?" Snowy whimpered, shaking. The young puppy began crying. Gidget went over and consoled her as best as she could. The rest of the litter sat in utter shock before Luke piped up, "Where are we going to go?"

"I don't know. I just know that you guys will be finding new families, new homes," Max answered. Gazing upon his children, he continued, "I don't even know if we'll see each other again to be honest. But I do hope we do one day. And if we don't, then I wish you all good luck. And just know guys, that your mom and I love you very much."

"We love you too," Sammy replied, running up and hugging Max. Gidget and the other puppies joined in, forming a group hug. By now, everyone in the small family was shedding tears and begging for this moment to last forever.

"Okay guys," Katie declared, entering the room with Emily and Robert, "It's time."

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