Uncle Competition

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"...best cooking goes to Duke, best takeout food goes to Snowball..." Buddy addressed the assembled crowd, going over the list he had before him as he continued, "Strongest Duke, fastest Snowball. Best bedtime stories Duke, best wartime stories come from Snowball. Both of you suck at singing so no one wins. Most caring goes to Duke, most fun is Snowball."

"What do you mean Snowball is the most fun?! I'm a fun uncle too!" Duke barked, offended by this piece of news. Sticking his tongue out at the giant mutt, Snowball turned to the judges Mel and Buddy as he asked, "So, what's the final score?"

"It's a tie," Mel reported, peering over Buddy's shoulder. His ears perked up, Snowball stuttered, "Excuse me, what now?" Holding up the list, Mel repeated, "It's a tie." Groaning, Duke facepawed as he grumbled, "Great, now how are we supposed to know who's the best?"

"Have you considered asking the children who is the better uncle?" Buddy questioned, raising one eyebrow. Glaring at the dachshund, Duke muttered, "That's dumb." Ignoring what the mutt said, Snowball turned to Max and Gidget's puppies. Puffing his chest out pridefully, the bunny rabbit asked, "Alright kids, who's the best uncle?"

"Actually, I like Aunt Chloe," Cleo commented, looking up from her phone. His nose buried into a book, Talon added, "I think Uncle Tiberius is awesome." Both Snowball and Duke groaned in unison. They couldn't believe they hadn't been picked. But then Luke yipped, "Uncle Snowball, you're the best!"

"But Uncle Duke keeps us safe. He's the best," Snowy mumbled, hugging Duke's leg. Smiling softly, the Newfoundland mix replied, "Thank you sweetheart, I needed that." Pinching his forehead, Snowball muttered, "It's a tie again." Watching with a bored and tired look on his face, Buddy pointed out, "There's still Sammy."

"Yes Sammy, who's your favorite?" Snowball demanded, turning to the youngest boy. Shuffling his paws nervously, Sammy chuckled nervously before he spoke, "I don't have a favorite cuz you're all my favorites. Doesn't that matter?"

"No!" Duke exclaimed, horrified. Grabbing Sammy by the shoulders, Snowball shook the puppy as he shouted, "We need to know who is the better uncle!"

"And suddenly I'm grateful you and I are fixed," Mel remarked. Buddy nodded his head in agreement while Sweetpea chirped.

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