The Night Visitors

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"Good night Gidget," Emily and Robert petted their beloved Pomeranian before heading off to bed for the night. Wagging her fluffy white tail happily, Gidget watched them walk off to their bedroom. They left the door open slightly to let come in if she desired. But tonight, Gidget decided to sleep on the couch.

Padding over to it, Gidget hopped up on the couch and curled up on her favorite spot. Closing her eyes, she drifted off into a light sleep. Dreaming, she found herself in a misty clearing. In the distance, she could see a shadowy figure walking towards her. Fur bristling, the Pomeranian readied herself for a possible fight. Emerging through the mist, a voice questioned her, "Now, is that anyway to greet someone?" Almost breaking down in tears. Gidget rushed forward and gave her father a big hug.

"I'm so sorry-" Gidget began but Rocky stopped her, "No, I'm sorry sweetheart. I can see Max is perfect for you, I should have never tried to change that." Wiping away tears in her blue eyes, he informed his daughter, "I have a message for you." Smiling, Gidget asked, "What is it Dad?" Rocky counted down, "You're about to get another visitor in three... two... one..."

A loud thud woke Gidget from her dream. Sighing at the memory of her deceased father, the Pomeranian heard something tapping on the glass of the window. "Why now?" she grumbled as she padded over to the window and opened it. "Does anyone ever open a window anymore these days?" Tiberius joked, rubbing his forehead with his wing. Shaking himself, the old hawk spoke urgently, "Come on, Norman's already there! Let's go!" Confused, Gidget questioned, "Wait, where are we going? It's the middle of the night and it's Cinco de Mayo tomorrow morning!" Looking back at his friend, Tiberius whispered, "If you don't want to come, I can always show you my kids later."

Even more bewildered, Gidget exclaimed, "Your kids?!"

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