Chapter 6 (More then a friend)

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Killuas POV*

It's been 15 minutes sense I walked in. I walked straight a couple meters and waited for the others to arrive. I heard rustling and I peaked around a tree.

"Leorio I'm right here." I say tapping his shoulder making him jump slightly.

"Hey Killua, Gon and Pika was after me so they should be here any moment." He says.

Sure enough a couple minutes later Gon showed up and Kurapika shortly after.

"Alright now that we are all together we should make our way in a little more and find a spot to set up camp." I said, pushing brunches and leaves out of my face as I walked.

Eventually we found a good spot to set some things up. It was open but surrounded by trees.

"I will set cover up with brunches and leaves, I've done it at home plenty of times." Gon spoke.

"What do you live in the middle of the woods or something?" I laugh.

"No, I just like camping, and fishing, about that, Leo and Kurapika I saw a river a little farther back, Woudl you be able to catch some fish for us to eat? I have a fishing pole and everything."

"Yeah that shouldn't be to hard." Pika said with a smile as Gon passed him the rod.

"Great Thanks!"

Thee two walked off leaving Gon and I behind. Hopefully they will be okay.

"What would you like me to do? I should make myself useful." I laughed with my hand behind my head.

"Would you be able to help me gather wood for cover and a fire? Assuming it will be cold at night." I nod and we go to start gathering some fire would.

We were silent for awhile just trying to listen around to make sure no one was around. Before we know it the day was quickly coming to an end.

"Hey Gon we should probably start moving back, I'm assuming animals are gonna start coming out." I said.

"Probably a good idea."

We start heading back to where we were going to set up camp.
Kurapikas POV*

Leo and I were fishing still as the sun started to go down. We had probably around 10 fish, they weren't super big but that should do. We chit chatted for a while, Leo seems like a very interesting person to say the least. He told me why he wanted to become a doctor and my heart hurt for him. I understood is pain, he lost someone close to him.

"What was his name?" I ask, Leo gave a slight smile, "Miko."

The way he smiled and blushed made me think they were more then friends. I didn't want to interlude but I ended up asking anyways.

"Leo...Was he more then a friend to you?" I ask calmly.

Leo looked at me with those brown eyes, "Um, I don't fully know how he felt about me, at the time I was trying to figure out my feelings as well. I mean I've always liked girls but he was different." He sighed then continued, "Truly I still don't know. My heart swells when I think of him, But he's gone now."

I sat there in shock not knowing what to do other then rub Leos back to comfort. "I'm sorry I asked, It's none of my business..." I whispered.

"No Pika, You're fine, you actually made me think about it again, your my friend right?"

"Of course." I say with a soft smile.

"Then would you be weirded out if I did come out as... bisexual?" He seemed nervous.

I chuckled, "Of course not Leo, that would be hypocritical of me..."

"Hypocritical?" He asked confused.

"Yeah because, um, I'm actually gay." I say squeezing my eyes shut.

This was the first person I told. My family passed before I could come out. When I was 14 I had a guy friend. He had a feeling he was gay and wanted to test it out. He kissed me and when he did I realized I was at least bisexual. I dated women before but it never worried out. I had no sexual desire for them. That's when I knew I was gay.

"Uh, Well I don't think of you any differently to say the least. Thank you Pika."

"For what?"

"I've needed it off my chest. I've been going back and forth with being straight or bi for years. Almost like I denied it. This conversation made me finally realize that I'm bisexual and I shouldn't hide it anymore. When the memories came back after you asked my heart fluttered when thinking of him. That doesn't happen if your just friends." I nod in agreement.

We sat there for a second before gathering up our things and heading back to the camp site. When we out there Gon was making a little fort out of leaves, branches, and vines. It looked good but a little small. It's for cover anyways its not supposed to be a cabin. Killua was working on a fire.

"Hey guys we are back!" I said as the both looked up.

"Hey Pika and Leo find any fish?" Gon asked, I then showed him what we caught then handed him his fishing pole back.
Leorios POV*

I'm glad I finally said it out loud. Well to Pika at least. I trust him. I kinda felt relieved finding out he was gay. It made me feel like I had someone to talk to that understands the feeling of liking the same gender. I shook my head going back to reality. Killua started the fire as the night sky twinkled. Gon was almost done with the cover. I stood up from the rock I was sitting on and my stomach growled. I then went to grab some skinny sticks for the fish.

"Shelter is done! I know it isn't too large but if it rains at least we will stay dry." Gon smiles happily at his work.

"Yeah, hopefully we wont have to sleep in there one night, we might be a little crammed." Killua laughs.

I blush. Well that would be awkward. "Hey I have sticks for the fish." I say before walking over and handing each person one.

As we cooked the fish Killua spoke up, "Hey we should play a game or something."

"What do you have in mind?" Gon asked.

Killua put his finger to his chin thinking, "Oh what about never have I ever!?"

"Seems fun, lets do it." Pika pitched in while turning his fish in the flames.

"Ill go first. Never have I ever....tripped on my own foot." Killua said.

Gon rose has hand. "I should have known!" Killua laughs slapping his knee.

"Hey don't be mean! Leorio your turn to ask."

"Fine never have I ever, went skinny dipping in a lake."

Pika then rose his hand.

'OHHHHH was it with someone pika?" Gon giggled.

"Maybe, I don't have to explain myself!" Pika blushes.

"Ah so thats a yes, was she hot?" Killua smirked making Pika blush more.

"Stop asking questions, I'm not going to answer!"

"Lamee. I thought we were friends Pikaaaa." Killua grinned.

Pika then sighed, "Fine Ill tell you but you can't judge me...."

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